Researcher's Information


YABU, Hiroyuki


*Unable to accept new Doctoral students from September 2023

Quantum field theory from micro to macro

Anywhere a physical quantity corresponds to a point of space such as an electric field or magnetic field is referred to as a field, and the motion described using quantum field theory. The theory is a basic way of understanding nature, from the micro world that includes nuclei, subnuclear particles and atomic molecules through to the macro world that includes the mechanism of the universe. Field theory is a basic method used in thinking about the symmetry of the natural world, and can reveal the beauty behind it. 
It can also suddenly appear in the macro world through phenomenon such as superfluidity and superconductivity. At this laboratory the problem of symmetry in the world of subnuclear particles and nuclei and a new quantum state of matter such as the Bose condensation state of atomic gases are theoretically worked on using field theory and with basic research on application in new technology such as gamma lasers.
  • The vortex lattice (theoretical calculation) created by a number of quantum vortexes in a Bose-Fermi mixed condensate. The left one is the vortex of the Bose particle condensate and right one the Fermi particle trapped by the core of the vortex. In the below figure a huge vortex (Giant Vortex) has formed in the center.