Researcher's Information


NAGAI, Kiyoshi


*Unable to accept new Master/Doctoral students from September 2023

Development of medical welfare robot and ultra high-speed robot

1)  Rehabilitation robot (international collaborative research with the University of Reading in England) 
We are promoting the rehabilitation robot R4 used for the upper extremities that can be applied during rehabilitation in the acute stage after having suffered apoplexia cerebri in an intercultural exchange with researchers from the University of Reading in England where some of my graduate students and I visit. 
2)  Medical robot (collaborative research with Shiga University of Medical Science) 
In order to realize a master-slave robot that can support surgery under MRIs etc we are working on research regarding a motion transfer mechanism that does not get affected by magnetic fields. 
3) Assist robot 
We are promoting the design of a mechanism for an assist robot for support in preventing lower back pain, the design of a control system and research on a distributed force sensor. 
4) Ultrahigh acceleration robot 
We are working on research on the ultrahigh acceleration parallel mechanism NINJA with the aim of realizing 100G and a parallel mechanism that can accelerate equipment on which electronic components are mounted.
  • Rehabilitation robot R4 (1st model)

  • Parallel mechanism NINJA