- CRPS major is now accepting applications! (For September 2025 enrollment)
- College of Policy Science 30th Anniversary Commemorative Ceremony and Symposium
- 2025 Ritsumeikan University Undergraduate Readmission Examination Guidelines
- 【October 25(Fri) 2024】 2024Symposium "Creating a Social Practice Model of Local Governance in the New Era"
- Sitadhira Prima Citta's (CRPS major) paper accepted and published in a peer-reviewed international journal!
- New video 'CRPS 10th Anniversary' has been uploaded.
- CRPS major is now accepting applications! (For September 2024 enrollment)
- CRPS Website has been updated!
- Open research “Welfare Robots and the Future of Care”
- CRPS student won the Academic Fiesta 2023!