Accomplishments of Moon Sniper SLIM
- SAIKI Kazuto, Ph.D.Professor, Research Organization of Science and Technology; Director, Earth & Space Exploration Center (ESEC)
- NAGAOKA Hiroshi, Ph.D.Associate Professor, Research Organization of Science and Technology
- NAKAUCHI Yusuke, Ph.D.Assistant Professor, Research Organization of Science and Technology
What is the Governing Factor Enhancing the Performance of Lithium-Ion and Fuel Cells?
- ORIKASA Yuki, Ph.D.Professor, College of Life Sciences
Community Spaces that Prevent Isolation and Loneliness
- KOTSUJI Hisanori, Ph.D.Associate Professor, Institute for General Education
A Sustainable Social Movement Emerges in Small Businesses Reutilizing Vacant Houses
- TOMINAGA Kyoko, Ph.D.Associate Professor, College of Social Sciences
Reviving Local Small Hydropower Plants
- NAGAHASHI Tamesuke, Ph.D.Professor, College of Social Sciences
Community-driven Urban Design
- ABE Toshihiko, Ph.D.Associate Professor, College of Science and Engineering
Functional brewed vinegar made from Shiga whey
- WAKAYAMA Mamoru, Ph.D.Professor, College of Life Sciences
Gastronomy as Trailblazers to the Future of a Region
- YOSHIZUMI Miki, Ph.D.Professor, College of Gastronomy Management
From hardware and software to the pleasure of playing
- HOSOI Koichi, Ph.D.Professor, College of Image Arts and Sciences
Robots that Move Freely Across Walls and Ceilings to Realize Optimum Space
- Jooho Lee, Ph.D.Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering
Considering Houses That Let Us Live with Comfort and Health
- Myonghyang Lee, Ph.D.Associate Professor, College of Science and Engineering
Sound changes perception of movements and vision
- NAGAI Masayoshi, Ph.D.Professor, College of Comprehensive Psychology
- YAMASAKI Daiki, Ph.D.Project Researcher, Research Organization of Open Innovation & Collaboration; JSPS Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- SUZUKI YusukeDoctor’s program student, Graduate School of Human Science; JSPS Doctoral Course Student (DC), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
A Robotic Auditory Sense That Detects Crises in Shouts and Screams
- FUKUMORI Takahiro, Ph.D.Lecturer, College of Information Science and Engineering
The Story of a Professional Archivist Who Collaborates with Worldwide Museum Curators
- AKAMA RyoProfessor, College of Letters
Rethinking the Modern Population Problem From the Perspective of the Jomon Era
- NAKAMURA OkiAssistant Professor, Ritsumeikan-Global Innovation Research Organization
Understanding the Experience and Methods of those living with Disabilities, Aging, Diseases, and Differences
- TATEIWA ShinyaProfessor, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences Director of Institute of Ars Vivendi, Ritsumeikan University
- ITO KasumiMaster’s degree program, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences
The World’s first direct Observation of a Hypocenter: Uncovering the Mechanisms of Earthquake Generation
- OGASAWARA HiroshiProfessor, College of Science and Engineering
Visual Illusions and the Mysteries of Human Perception
- KITAOKA AkiyoshiProfessor, College of Comprehensive Psychology
- TSUINASHI SeiichiAssistant Professor, College of Letters
A measuring System for visual Perceptions leads to innovative Designs
- SHINODA HiroyukiProfessor, College of Information Science and Engineering
A Tale That Kyoto Has Kept in Its Memories
- SUDO KeiAssociate Professor, College of Letters