Can Replacing Plastic with Paper Solve Environmental Problems?
- HASHIMOTO Seiji, Ph.D.Professor, College of Science and Engineering
Community-driven Urban Design
- ABE Toshihiko, Ph.D.Associate Professor, College of Science and Engineering
Considering Houses That Let Us Live with Comfort and Health
- Myonghyang Lee, Ph.D.Associate Professor, College of Science and Engineering
Digitally Archiving the Space of Kyoto Across Place and Time
- YANO KeijiProfessor, College of Letters
- KAWASUMI NaomiAssociate Professor, College of Letters
Exploring the Landscape and Spectacles of Kyoto Reflected in Drawings and Old Photographs
- KATO MasahiroProfessor, College of Letters
What are the Policies for Preserving Kyoto’s Townscape for the Next Generation?
- YOSHIDA TomohikoProfessor, College of Policy Science
Disaster prevention system for the safe evacuation of people in urban underground spaces where positioning is difficult
- NISHIO NobuhikoProfessor, College of Information Science and Engineering
Can hundreds of thousands of tourists be safely evacuated from the tourist city of Kyoto?
- NAKATANI YoshioProfessor, College of Information Science and Engineering
- IZUMI TomokoLecturer, College of Information Science and Engineering
Visiting humanity's "negative heritage" to grieve and pray
- ENDO HidekiProfessor, College of Letters
Protecting historical city from disaster with cultural tradition and life
- OKUBO TakeyukiProfessor, College of Science and Engineering
- Dowon KimAssociate Professor, Kinugasa Research Organization
- Lata ShakyaVisiting Researcher, Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University JSPS Postdoctoral fellow, The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering