
Announcement: Admissions Information for 2022 Enrollment now available


Ritsumeikan University has officially announced the following information for 2022 Enrollment

  • AO Admissions Application Handbook for 2022 Enrollment
  • Application Periods for 2022 Enrollment

The above information covers the AO Admissions (English-Basis) Admissions Method.

Following this announcement, The International Admissions Office, in charge of undergraduate admissions (English-basis) would like to invite Students, Counselors, Teachers alike, seeking to begin their study and enrol in 2022 at Ritsumeikan University to download copies of the above documents.

Our International Admissions Office for Undergraduate admissions website has been renewed accordingly to reflect the above changes.

Documents Download page - Updated Here.

Comprehensive How to Apply page - Updated Here

Frequently Asked Questions Page - Updated Here

For further questions and inquiries, please contact the office at

