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奥野 敬義 奥野 敬義
Takayoshi Okuno
Takayoshi Okuno
Department of Pharmacy
Field of Study
Medical Pharmacy
Responsible Subjects
Pre-professional Practicum


Graduate School/University, etc.

2001: B.S., Department of Biopharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University 2020: Doctor of Pharmacy, Major in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mukogawa Women's University


Why I Became a Researcher

When I was a little boy, I remember my grandmother having a hard time swallowing her high blood pressure medication. At that time, there were no orally disintegrating tablets (OD tablets) or gelatin capsules, and even though I was a child, I wished there were medicines that were easier to take. This may have been what got me interested in medicine. When it came time to choose a university, I chose the Faculty of Pharmacy, and as a student, I gained experience working in pharmacies and hospitals. In the course of my work, I felt that I lacked knowledge and found issues that I wanted to improve upon. Therefore, I joined graduate program for working adults where I conducted research on medication difficulties among the elderly and ways to control the bitterness of medicines.

Message to Students

奥野 敬義 学生へのメッセージ 奥野 敬義 学生へのメッセージ

I want to keep up with the latest information

 Today, the work required of pharmacists is changing. Recently, online medication guidance has been approved, and while there are new things to learn, such as how to speak and observe patients online, the details of this guidance are based on the way the guidance was provided previously. As a pharmacist, you also need to learn the basic procedures, knowledge, and skills that you would need to learn when tackling any new job. I hope you will acquire a solid foundation at university and gain experience through practical training to become a pharmacist who can flexibly respond to the changing times. As I continue to work in the field on a part-time basis, I intend to keep everyone up-to-date with the latest information on new drugs, insurance systems, and the like.