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Career Support for Students

The entire university provides comprehensive support for students in their future academic and professional career paths, including career education from the lower year levels, preparation for the PhCAT and National Examination for Pharmacists, and advice regarding public service examinations, and job-search activities.

Ritsumeikan University Career Center

Graduates Succeeding in their Fields

Career Paths

  • Pharmacist in a hospital
    As part of a medical team in a hospital, dispense medicines and provide dosage guidance for patients based on patient and drug information.
  • Pharmacist in a pharmacy
    At a dispensing pharmacy, dispense medicines based on prescriptions by doctors at hospitals or other medical institutions and explain their efficacy and how to take and store them.
  • Research position in a company
    Discover or chemically create substances (components) that have the potential to become the drugs of the future and to screen potential substances.
  • Development position in a company
    Conduct clinical trials of compounds that will form the basis of drugs whose safety and therapeutic efficacy have been recognized, by actually administering them on humans, and study whether they will work as new drugs.
  • MR
    To disseminate pharmaceuticals, including new drugs, to medical institutions, provide doctors, pharmacists, and other relevant people with information about pharmaceuticals that will benefit treatment. MRs work in the sales divisions of pharmaceutical companies.
    Coordinate clinical trials, which are essential to the creation of new drugs, and support pharmaceutical companies and medical institutions that conduct clinical trials.
  • Public Service
    Provide steady support for people’s lives and health, as a national public employee involved in the administration of pharmaceutical affairs by the national government, local or regional government public servant or public health clinic employee,or drug enforcement officer involved in pharmaceutical hygiene, food hygiene, and environmental health.
  • University lecturer
    Nurture new pharmacists and new drug researchers Also, while teaching at university, continue research, attend academic conferences and seminars, and present research findings.

Graduate Employment Record

Department of Pharmacy

Career Paths and Employment Results for AY2021

Sending out into the community pharmacists who have a sense of mission and ethics as healthcare professionals.

Cultivating professionals who will acquire expert knowledge through a well-balanced pharmaceutical sciences curriculum and who are able to contribute to society.

Employment of Department of Pharmacy (6-Year Program) graduates(Examples of employers of Class of AY2021)

Hospitals * Japanese only

  • 大阪大学医学部附属病院
  • (社福)恩賜財団 済生会 滋賀県病院
  • (社福)京都社会事業財団
  • 島根大学医学部附属病院
  • 地方独立行政法人大阪府立病院機構
  • 地方独立行政法人京都市立病院機構
  • 地方独立行政法人奈良県立病院機構
  • (医)徳洲会
  • 独立行政法人国立病院機構
  • 日本赤十字社 和歌山医療センター
  • 地方独立行政法人 広島市立病院機構
  • 藤田医科大学病院
  • 洛和会ヘルスケアシステム (医)社団洛和会

Private-Sector Companies * Japanese only

  • アステラス製薬(株)
  • アストラゼネカ(株)
  • 興和(株)
  • 小林製薬(株)
  • CBC(株)
  • シスメックス(株)
  • 大日本住友製薬(株)
  • 西日本電信電話(株)
  • マルホ(株)

Pharmacies * Japanese only

  • (株)アインホールディングス
  • (株)サンドラッグ
  • 日本調剤(株)
  • (株)マツキヨココカラ&カンパニー
  • (株)マツモトキヨシ

Public Service * Japanese only

  • 自衛隊幹部候補生
  • 石川県人事委員会(石川県立中央病院)
  • 富山県人事委員会(富山県立中央病院)

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Main career paths and areas of employment of Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (4 Years) graduates

Graduates of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences are actively involved as researchers and developers in the areas of new drug development and pharmaceutical manufacture. Knowledge of the pharmaceutical sciences is also in demand by manufacturers of chemicals, cosmetics, and food products, trading firms, and administrative agencies, making the potential career paths open to graduates many and varied. Many graduates also advance to graduate school, where they engage in more advanced research. Great things are expected of our graduates in industrial sectors that provide extensive service to human health, such as marketing of technology and development that will lead to the future commercialization of research outcomes.

Percentage of Class of 2021 who advanced to graduate school


Employment of Class of 2021 * Japanese only

  • エヌ・ティ・ティ・コミュニケーションズ(株)
  • タカラバイオ(株)
  • 小野薬品工業(株)
  • 東和薬品(株)
  • キッセイ薬品工業(株)
  • 日清食品(株)
  • 協和キリン(株)
  • 日本放送協会
  • 沢井製薬(株)
  • 麻薬取締官

鈴木 健二 教授

To students aspiring to new drug development

After completing my master’s in graduate school, I joined a foreign pharmaceutical firm, where I worked in the basic research division for 12 years, working on the discovery of target molecules for the development of new drugs and the exploration of lead compounds on which they will work. Research in a corporate setting is an extremely dynamic activity. It involves using the company’s abundant resources to gather information from all over the world and facilitate joint research in the pursuit of our goals. I had opportunities to visit laboratories in Europe and the United States and work with researchers there, attend academic conferences overseas and interact with researchers from all over the world, which constantly inspired me and made my research enjoyable. As well as basic research, the opportunity to extend one’s own career in industrial fields that make extensive contributions to human health (pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food, chemicals, health, etc.), such as the marketing of technology and development that will lead to the future commercialization of research outcomes, is also very rewarding.

Laboratory for Molecular Medical Science, Department of Pharmaceutical SciencesProfessor Kenji Suzuki