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林 嘉宏 林 嘉宏
Yoshihiro HAYASHI
Yoshihiro HAYASHI
Department of Pharmacy
Laboratory of Cancer Pathobiology and Therapeutics
Field of Study
Biological Systems


Graduate School/University, etc.

M.D. (2005): School of Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science Ph.D. in Medicine (2013): Graduate School of Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science


Why I Became a Researcher

When I worked as a clinical hematologist, whenever I was involved in the treatment of patients who did not meet the diagnostic criteria or who did not respond to standard treatments according to the clinical guidelines despite the absence of poor prognostic factors, I wondered, " What could be the underlying cause of this disease? Is this diagnosis truly accurate? or "Why doesn't the treatment work? I felt frustrated. I thought deeply about what I should do to cure the disease, what I wanted to do, and what only I could do. I decided to pursue a career in research in order to elucidate the causes and mechanisms of disease, develop innovative therapeutic approaches based on this knowledge, and conduct research that would form the basis of clinical guidelines.

Research Information

Research Area and Theme

Elucidating the mechanisms of cancer pathogenesis and developing new therapeutics for the unmet medical needs

We aim to address clinical challenges by developing disease models based on them. These models will enable us to investigate the disease pathogenesis not only at the cellular level but also at the individual level, encompassing the entire systemic disease phenotype. Upon elucidating the mechanisms revealed through our analyses, we will work towards potential drug development and clinical applications in the future, assessing their utility as therapeutic targets.

Thoughts on Research Theme

As a medical researcher, I have been engaged in reverse translational research aimed at unraveling the cancer pathogenesis and developing novel therapeutic strategies based on clinical observations. Looking ahead, I am committed to actively pursuing translational research that bridges the gap between pathophysiological understanding and drug development to bring these achievements into the clinical practice for the benefit of society. In various cancers, we aspire to develop innovative new drugs and treatment approaches that meet unmet medical needs.

Message to Students

林 嘉宏 学生へのメッセージ 林 嘉宏 学生へのメッセージ

It is important to find out what you should do and what only you can do.

Information related to medical care is becoming increasingly diverse and sophisticated every year. In order to provide optimal medical care according to patients' conditions and social backgrounds, participation of multiple professions is an inevitable trend, and pharmacists with specialized knowledge in pharmaceuticals, clinical expertise, and interpersonal skills are indispensable in this endeavor. Furthermore, to sustain the continuous improvement of medical care standards, research forms the crucial foundation. As modalities such as antibody drugs and cellular drugs become more diverse and complex, it will become increasingly important to promote drug discovery research through interdisciplinary collaboration centered on the Faculty of Pharmacy. Since the dawn of history, "medicine" has been the foundation of medical care, and I believe that its role will remain unchanged in the future. On the other hand, the situation surrounding healthcare is undergoing a significant transformation in line with changes in social structure and the practical application of AI. Many things that were once considered 'common practice' are now being redefined. In anticipation of the forthcoming era, marked by rapid paradigm shifts, I aspire to cultivate healthcare professionals who will support the future of clinical practice and research through "medicine" and expand the base of such professionals. In both clinical practice and research, I believe it is important to discern what truly matters and find out what you should do and what only you can do.

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