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小池 千恵子 小池 千恵子
Chieko Koike
Chieko Koike
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Laboratory for Systems Neuroscience and Developmental Biology
Field of Study
Biological Systems
Doctor (Pharmaceutical Sciences)


Graduate School/University, etc.

Graduated from University of Shizuoka School of Pharmacy (Currently the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka) Completed Second Term Doctoral Course, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka Doctoral research fellow, Boston Children’s Hospital (Harvard Medical School) Doctoral research fellow, Osaka Bioscience Institute Researcher, JST PRESTO Researcher, Various institutions


Why I Became a Researcher

I went straight into becoming a graduate student, but when I was a child, I would do my independent study projects over summer vacation, and as I was doing that, I would vaguely think that I would like to spend my life doing this kind of thing every day. I believe that was why I became a researcher.

Research Information

Research Area and Theme

Cross-Hierarchical Analysis of an Early Vision System

I am analyzing the generation, functions, and even the visual perception mechanism of the central nervous system and retina from a molecular, systematic, functional, and behavioral perspective.

Thoughts on Research Theme

The visual system is a neural circuit with clear inputs and outputs even in the central nervous system. By conducting a cross-hierarchical analysis from molecule to system, and from function to perception, I hope to contribute to the reconstruction of vision.

Message to Students

小池 千恵子 学生へのメッセージ 小池 千恵子 学生へのメッセージ

Actively engage in Ritsumeikan University’s unique interdisciplinary research

Actively engage in Ritsumeikan University’s unique interdisciplinary research. Your life will change significantly depending on how you face yourself after entering university.  To all of you in the future, I want you to broadly cultivate deep insights while you’re young to create a new age, and I would like to provide you with a place to cultivate a way of thinking that will form the basis for that.

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