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石塚 良子 石塚 良子
Ryoko Ishizuka
Ryoko Ishizuka
Department of Pharmacy
Field of Study
Medical Pharmacy
Responsible Subjects


Graduate School/University, etc.

1983: B.S., Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University



I was raised watching members of my family work in medical settings, so I knew I wanted to work in the field and help people when I grew up. When I was thinking about which career path to take, I decided to become a pharmacist because I was attracted to the idea of helping people with medicine. When I was working as a hospital pharmacist, I became involved in clinical trials, which constitute the final phase of new drug development, and I worked with patients to conduct several trials. Among these was a trial that led to the creation of a ground-breaking new drug, which I found very rewarding.

Message to Students

石塚 良子 学生へのメッセージ 石塚 良子 学生へのメッセージ

Message to Students

To date, medical care has made great strides by way of drug development. However, there are still many patients with illnesses that still have few treatments who are waiting for safe and effective drugs. Several steps must be taken to create a new drug, one of which is the clinical trial where the safety and efficacy of drugs are tested om humans. The medicines on the market now are the product of the people kind enough to participate in trials, and these can be considered gifts from our forebears. Because these are gifts, we should be thankful for the great effort that went into their development and the patients who cooperated with the development process. We must use them wisely. You must understand the profile of a drug, highlight its effects, and promote its proper use to ensure safety. You also need to consider optimization for each patient. I think these are the important tasks that pharmacists are expected to carry out. As students, you have a great opportunity to gain a basic knowledge of the medicines that form the foundation of a pharmacist’s work. Take a proactive stance to your learning and hone the skills you need to ensure you can handle clinical settings without hesitation.