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森本 功治 森本 功治
Koji Morimoto
Koji Morimoto
Department of Pharmacy
Field of Study
Doctor (Pharmaceutical Sciences)


Graduate School/University, etc.

2004 Graduated from Division of General Pharmacy, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University 2006 Completed First Term Doctoral Course, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University 2009 Completed Second Term Doctoral Course, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University


Why I Became a Researcher

When I was a student, I came to have an interest in organic chemistry that is involved in the development of new drugs through my classes, and thinking that I wanted to deepen my knowledge of and conduct research on that topic, I majored in organic chemistry. Through my laboratory life, I was also able to experience how fun basic research was in university and felt a sense of joy to discover new reactions, so I aspired to go down the path of a researcher.

Research Information

Research Area and Theme

Development of New Useful Reactions and Research on the Synthesis of Drug-Active Compounds

I am developing new and useful organic synthesis reactions, and conducting research on the synthesis of drug-active compounds using these techniques.

Thoughts on Research Theme

I am conducting research while exploring new organic synthesis reactions on a daily basis. I am engaged in research with the goal of using reactions that will be discovered in the future to synthesize drug-active compounds and develop these into new drug discover lead compounds.

Message to Students

森本 功治 学生へのメッセージ 森本 功治 学生へのメッセージ

You can synthesize medicine by learning organic chemistry

Our bodies are made of organic compounds, and various chemical reactions are taking place within our bodies. Diseases are adverse reactions that happen inside the body, and organic compounds called drugs cure those adverse reactions. You can synthesize medicine by learning organic chemistry. By all means, let’s learn organic chemistry and engage in the synthesis of new drugs. I’m looking forward to meeting all of you in the practicums and in the laboratory.

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