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野田 哲史 野田 哲史
Satoshi NODA
Associate Professor
Satoshi NODA
Department of Pharmacy
Field of Study
Medical Pharmacy


Graduate School/University, etc.

2001-2005 BS, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University 2005-2007 MS, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University 2011-2015 PhD, Shiga University of Medical Science


Why I Became a Researcher

Growing up with both parents as pharmacists, I naturally pursued a path into the field of pharmacy. The word 'clinical' on the book covers that lined my father's room, who worked at a hospital, oddly fascinated me, leading me to aspire to become a clinical pharmacist. Moreover, my interest in collaborative research with physicians motivated me to knock on the doors of university hospital pharmacy departments where research environments were well-established. Engaging in clinical duties, I encountered challenges in predicting drug efficacy and side effects, emphasizing the need to support pharmacotherapy from a scientific perspective as a pharmaceutical expert. To learn the basics of clinical research, encouraged by my superiors, I pursued a graduate school doctoral program while working as a professional. Balancing daytime clinical responsibilities with evening experiments and scholarly writing was a demanding lifestyle, but looking back, it was undeniably the most fulfilling period of my life. Since obtaining my degree, I have continued to engage in practical clinical research, Translating the findings of pharmaceutical research into societal benefits is a fulfilling responsibility that entails a sense of duty.

Research Information

Research Area and Theme

Pharmaceutical medical science research aimed at

Development of individualized pharmacotherapy utilizing pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenomic approaches Implementation of community-based pharmaceutical care research in collaboration with healthcare institutions and pharmacies

Thoughts on Research Theme

We aspire to conduct pharmaceutical research in the field of clinical pharmacy utilizing various scientific approaches to address clinical inquiries and enhance healthcare outcomes. Moreover, as the only pharmacy faculty in Shiga Prefecture, our university envisions a collaborative environment with local hospitals and pharmacies, enabling us to engage in research activities. Together with our students, we are dedicated to contributing to the advancement of pharmaceutical research in Shiga Prefecture.

Message to Students

野田 哲史 学生へのメッセージ 野田 哲史 学生へのメッセージ

I want you to continually expand your own possibilities.

As students, you have plenty of time during your university years, so I encourage you to explore various fields and actively gain diverse experiences. Just as stated in our School of Pharmacy's philosophy, 'Beyond the border of potential,' I hope you will nurture independence and sensitivity, and keep expanding your own potential. In our lectures on 'Dispensing Pharmacy’ and ‘Drug informatics', we will not only provide the essential knowledge required for pharmacists and pharmaceutical researchers but also incorporate the essence of my 16 years of clinical experience. We aim to convey the essence and excitement of pharmaceutical sciences in healthcare. In our research lab, we set challenges related to pharmaceutical sciences that address clinical questions, with the purpose of sharing our findings with society. Through these experiences, we strive to cultivate pharmacists and pharmaceutical researchers who can make meaningful contributions to society.