Internships and
Careers Education

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Industry-Academia Collaborative Education Program That Works on Solving Specific Issues

Do you think that an internship is something that you only participate in during your job-hunting period? RU offers a “purpose-designed industry-academia collaborative education program” known as WIL (Work Integrated Learning) that students can participate in at any year level.

However, no matter how many opportunities you have, at university, “when” and “what to learn” are choices only you can make, so if you don’t know what you are lacking and what you should learn, you are unlikely to be able to fully utilize such opportunities. And, of course, learning doesn't happen automatically when you experience something. It is said that having an attitude to learn is important in order to gain something from the experience. Specifically, an attitude of working actively to tackle challenging tasks, to reflect on your experiences, to find interest, curiosity, and significance in a given task, to have goals to improve one’s ability, and to value relationships with others is important. Ritsumeikan University also offers a number of “original education programs to learn through workplace experience” that identify specific problems in the real world (i.e., corporations, organizations and communities) and engage in problem-solving. There are also programs that you can participate in from your first year. We look forward to seeing your enthusiastic efforts.

Examples of Implemented Project-Based Careers Education Programs
“Cooperative Education Seminars (Experience)”