University of Wuerzburg Vice President for Internationalisation Visits Ritsumeikan

On Monday October, June 2, Prof. Dr. Doris Fischer, the Vice President for Internationalisation of the University of Wuerzburg, visited Ritsumeikan University’s Suzaku Campus to hold a discussion with Executive Trustee Norihisa Yamashita, the Director of the Office of International Cooperation. Ms. Tania Mousikou, Incoming Section Coordinator in the International Office at the University of Wuerzburg, and Prof. Sachio Nakato, Dean of International Affairs, were also in attendance.

Ritsumeikan and the University of Wuerzburg have actively exchanged students ever since concluding a student exchange agreement in 2006. During the discussion, members from both universities gave presentations, and they shared the latest information to provide a detailed picture of the unique features of their respective campuses, including how their students are spending their time at university. They also discussed specific disciplines in which they would like to pursue further exchange, and the session proved to be a good opportunity to consider how they can strengthen their relationship going forward, including in existing programs.


October 13, 2023 TOPICS

Ceremony Held to Commemorate the Completion of Renovations on the Kyoto Museum for World Peace
