Inbound Programs
SKP (Study in Kansai Program)
Term: One semester or one year
Japanese level: Beginner to advanced
For further details, see the Study in Kansai Program website.
Short-term Programs(RSJP, RSJP Express/RWJP, RWJP Express)
Term: Approximately 2 weeks to one month
Japanese level: Introductry - Advanced
For further details, refer to the Short-term Programs website.
Study of Business in Japan
Term: Approximately 2 weeks
Japanese level: Not required or Ask
For further details, refer to the Study of Business in Japan program website.
College of Image Arts and Sciences Summer Program
Term: Approximately two weeks
Japanese level: Beginner
For further details, refer to the College of Image Arts and Sciences Summer Program website.
Commissioned Programs
With external funds from foreign governments, JICA and private corporations, Ritsumeikan is conducting various training programs including expert and professional human resource development. Each training program is carried out in cooperation with research centers, other divisions and offices, Ritsumeikan University, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, and affiliated schools.
For further details, see the Commissioned Programs website.