Ritsumeikan India Office

Main Activities

Ritsumeikan India Office was established in New Delhi in November 2010, in order to further deepen people-to-people exchange and mutual understanding between the two countries. We provide information about the advantages of studying in Japan, organize the Japan Education Fair and provide assistance in admission screening procedures in India. In addition, we engage in recruitment of international students and support the Ritsumeikan Alumni Association in its efforts to promote the Ritsumeikan Academy.

About Ritsumeikan India Office

Name Ritsumeikan India Office
Address WeWork Platina Tower, Mehrauli-Gurgaon Rd,
Gurugram, Haryana 122002, India
(Near Sikanderpur Metro Station)
Director Shuhei WAKAYAMA
Facilities Meeting rooms
Others Our staff primarily work remotely. If you wish to arrange a meeting at our office, we kindly ask you contact us in advance via the E-mail address provided below. 

Shared Space
Meeting Space


Address WeWork Platina Tower, Mehrauli-Gurgaon Rd,
Gurugram, Haryana 122002, India
(Near Sikanderpur Metro Station)
Tel  +91-97169-05468
E-mail  newdelhi@st.ritsumei.ac.jp
University Website
Ritsumeikan India Office Facebook

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