AY2024 Fall Ritsumeikan University Matriculation Ceremony Held

On Monday, September 25, Ritsumeikan University held the AY2024 fall matriculation ceremony on the Osaka Ibaraki Campus and welcomed 343 new students (undergraduate: 160, graduate: 183).

President Yoshio Nakatani delivers a congratulatory address
President Yoshio Nakatani delivers a congratulatory address
New student representative Keshri Jansi (College of Policy Science)
New student representative Keshri Jansi (College of Policy Science)

At the ceremony, President Yoshio Nakatani delivered a congratulatory address in which he encouraged the new students by saying, "I hope that you will turn your sights to the world and society and think deeply about your relationship with and society. This will generate new insights, help you find answers to the questions of what it means to learn and what it means to be alive, and serve as the driving force to create the future. I expect all of you to demonstrate the will to boldly tackle challenges; you must not be bound by conventional wisdom, frameworks, or stereotypes, but rather, you must question these without fear of failure as you seek the ideal shape of the future.”

To welcome the new students, a floral-themed flower wall and several photo spots were erected on campus to serve as backdrops for commemorative photos. A festive atmosphere filled the campus as new students took photos with their friends and family.

New graduate student representative Keito Takishita (Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering)

Graduate School Matriculation Ceremonies

Date: Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Venue: OIC Grand Hall, Osaka Ibaraki Campus



Graduate Schools



Graduate School of Business Administration, Graduate School of Policy Science, Graduate School of Human Science, Graduate School of Technology Management, Graduate School of Management


Date: Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Venue: BKC Gymnasium, Biwako-Kusatsu Campus



Graduate Schools



Graduate School of Economics, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Pharmacy, Graduate School of Sport and Health Science, Graduate School of Gastronomy Management


Date: Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Venue: Large Lecture Hall (5th floor), Suzaku Campus



Graduate Schools



Graduate School of Law, Graduate School of Sociology, Graduate School of International Relations, Graduate School of Letters, Graduate School of Image Arts, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Graduate School of Language Education and Information Science, School of Law, Graduate School of Professional Teacher Education

*The matriculation ceremony for graduate schools at both Kinugasa Campus and Suzaku Campus will be held at Suzaku Campus. Please note that there will be no ceremony at Kinugasa Campus.

If you are coming to the venue in a wheelchair, or if you would like to request a sign language interpreter, we ask that you please contact the Office of Academic Regulations, Ritsumeikan University (Email: gk-cere@st.ritsumei.ac.jp, Tel: 075-813-8170) in advance.


October 15, 2024 NEWS

AY2024 Fall Ritsumeikan University Commencement Ceremony and Graduate School Degree Conferral Ceremony Held
