On Friday, January 15, 2021, Ritsumeikan University opened Ritsumeikan Fever Clinics (“Fever Clinics”) on its Kinugasa, BKC, and Osaka Ibaraki campuses to provide safe diagnosis and testing of students who develop symptoms of the novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”).

With the establishment of these Fever Clinics, the Medical Service Center has been designated as a diagnosis and testing facility so it can now diagnose and treat students, faculty, and staff members with fevers and cold symptoms or who are otherwise suspected of having COVID-19.
To ensure that Fever Clinic users do not come into contact with other Medical Service Center users, separate entrances and flow lines have been established, and the area where people who might be infected are treated is a negative pressure room. This means that the air pressure inside the room is lower than that outside the room to prevent any air that may have been contaminated with viruses from escaping to the outside.
Before visiting a Fever Clinic, please call the Medical Service Center for a consultation and to make an appointment for treatment and testing.

We have also set up screening laboratories, so we can now screen for asymptomatic students when the host institutions for off-campus programs ask the university to verify that our students are not infected with COVID-19.
Reservations for screenings are required, and group screenings on a curricular program basis can be accommodated. Going forward, we plan to gradually expand our services to include testing for extracurricular activities and voluntary testing.

Ritsumeikan University will continue to enact infection prevention protocols to help realize a safe and secure campus where students can interact in person.

Medical Service Center Numbers

Kinugasa Campus075-465-8232
Biwako-Kusatsu Campus (BKC) 077-561-2635
Osaka Ibaraki Campus (OIC) 072-665-2110

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