Special Page on the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake

We sincerely sympathize with those affected by 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake.
We hope that the areas and people affected by the disaster can recover and return to their peaceful daily lives as soon as possible. Ritsumeikan will continue to make every effort possible to assist in the recovery.

This page compiles information about Ritsumeikan’s initiatives for each target group. Please check the links below.

    [List of Target Groups]
  1. Current students (Undergraduate and graduate students)
  2. Applicants
  3. Individuals considering donations

Message from Ritsumeikan

Chancellor’s Message: Condolences for 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake (2024.1.2)
【Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage】On the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake(2024.1.11)

1. Students (Undergraduate and graduate students)

(1)Classes and examinations

Information about classes, examinations, etc., will be announced via manaba+R. If you have access to the internet, please check manaba+R as needed.

To students affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake (Regarding classes, exams, etc.)(January 10th)


To All Students Afflicted by the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake


Part 2: To all students and graduate students considering participating in volunteer activities for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake *Japanese Only(January 31th)
To all students and graduate students considering participating in volunteer activities for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake *Japanese Only(January 10th)
【Library】To all those affected by the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake (January 9, 2024)

(4)Consultation desks

①Office of Student Affairs
Consultation Desk for Scholarships
・Office of Student Affairs (Kinugasa) 075-465-8168
・Office of Student Affairs (BKC) 077-561-2854
・Office of Student Affairs (OIC) 072-665-2135

②Student Support Room
Consultation desk for anxieties and concerns
・Kinugasa & Suzaku Campus 075-465-8174
・Biwako-Kusatsu Campus 077-561-3951
・Osaka-Ibaraki Campus 072-665-2130

③ Division of Career Services
Consultation Desk for Job Hunting
・Kinugasa Office of Career Services 075-465-8172
・BKC Office of Career Services 077-561-3942 (Humanities supervisor),077-561-2626 (Sciences supervisor)
・OIC Office of Career Services 072-665-2120

④ Disability Resource Center
Consultation desk for students with disabilities
・TEL 075-465-8343

⑤ Student Success Program(SSP)
Program to Support Independent Learning
・Kinugasa & Suzaku Campus 075-465-8174
・Biwako-Kusatsu Campus 077-561-3951
・Osaka-Ibaraki Campus 072-665-2130

2. Applicants

【Graduate school entrance examinations】To prospective applicants affected by the Earthquake in Noto Peninsula of 2024(January 10th)
Regarding the special measures for the admission examination fee for the applicants who were affected by the earthquake and tsunami disaster that occurred mainly in the 2024 Noto Peninsula. *Japanese Only(January 10th)
Announcement for applicants and related parties who have been affected by the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake and tsunami (2024.1.6) *Japanese Only

3. Individuals considering donations

We will begin soliciting donations for the Ritsumeikan Disaster Recovery Assistance Fund (Recovery +R Fund). This fund provides monthly financial aid of 50,000 yen until the year of graduation students at every level of learning enrolled at the Ritsumeikan Academy whose financial benefactors’ homes have completely collapsed, majorly collapsed, or partially collapsed.
Please check the details on.

<Donation / Details>
Ritsumeikan Disaster Recovery Assistance Fund (Recovery + R Fund) *Japanese only

Office for the Support of Post-Disaster Recovery (Secretariat: Office of Social Collaboration, Division of General Affairs)
