
The 17th AJI Frontier Seminar on the “Diaspora Minorities in Asia and Their Identities: With Special Reference to the Koryo Saram (Korean Community) in Kazakhstan”

On May 17, 2020, the 17th AJI Research Institute Frontier Seminar was held. Dr. Lee Jinhye (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science / Project Researcher, Ritsumeikan Asia-Japan Research organization) gave a report on Koryo Saram, a group belonging to the Korean diaspora living in the former Soviet Union, under the title "Diaspora Minorities in Asia and Their Identities: With Special Reference to the Koryo Saram (Korean Community) in Kazakhstan".

His presentation provided an overview of the issue of national integration in modern Kazakhstan, and carefully analyzed the contents of the publications of the Koryo Saram community, revealing changes in their identity, their awareness of ethnic languages and survival strategies. After the presentation, many questions were raised from the participants, including the identity and ethnic education of Koryo Saram and the comparison with Japanese diaspora Koreans, and a lively exchange of opinions took place.

Dr. Lee speaking to the participants online (left) and Dr. Ammar (MC)