AJI Books series

AJI Books

Briging Contemporary Japan and Korea with Zainichi Experience: Professor Mun on Research History and Life
Editor Jinhye LEE
Read (February 2025)
Editor Jinhye LEE
Digital Archiving of Cultural Properties Based on Advanced ICT and Utilization of the Archived Data
Editor Satoshi Tanaka
Read (September 2024)
Editor Satoshi Tanaka
The Development of Islamic Economics for Social Welfare: Reassessing Waqf, Zakāt, and Takāful in Asia
Editor Ammar Khashan
Read (March 2024)
Editor Ammar Khashan
Toward Sustainable Agriculture of Rice in Asia: Economic Challenges and Policy Implications
Editor Thanh Tam HO
Read (March 2024)
Thanh Tam HO
Asian Medicine: Tradition and Innovation
Editors Jingjing Xiang and Nara Oda
Read (July 2023)
Jingjing Xiang and Nara Oda
Ci Poetry in Japan, China and Korea: Studies on Huajianji to Kondo Gensui
Editor JIN Chunyu
Read (June 2023)
JIN Chunyu
Society, Politics and Ideologies in the Modern Arab East: A Trans-Asian Academic Roundtable
Editors Ayaka KURODA and Shun WATANABE
Read (May 2023)
Globally Shared Common Sense from the Philosophy of Imagination: Bridging Eastern and Western Perspectives
Editor MATSUI Nobuyuki
Read (September 2022)
MATSUI Nobuyuki
Climate Change, Agricultural Resilience, and Rural Society Adaptation in the Era of Rapid Change: Indonesian Perspectives
Editor Fitrio ASHARDIONO
Read (June 2022)
Asian Diaspora in the Era of Globalization: Lived Experiences among Different Cultures
Editor Jinhye LEE
Read (December 2021)
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Grafting an Islamic Sapling onto the Tree of Legal Dispute Resolution: Alternative Approaches to Civil Disputes in Islamic Finance in the Gulf and Southeast Asia
Read (December 2021)
Asia and Japan Today (1): Researchers' Essays at the Arrival of a New COVID Era
Editors: Ammar KHASHAN and Ayaka KURODA
Read (March 2021)
Asia and Japan: Perspectives of History: A Symposium Record
Editors: Gyongsu MUN and Yasushi KOSUGI
Read (January 2021)