To those who intend to submit their papers to academic publications of the AJI.
Please refer to the following guidelines, so that you can select the appropriate target category to send your manuscript to.
1. Applications are open to all researchers who are interested in Asia-Japan Research.
We have three periodicals, two in English, and the third in Japanese.
(1) Journal of the Asia-Japan Research Institute of Ritsumeikan University (in English)
(2) Asia-Japan Research Academic Bulletin (in English)
(3) Ritsumeikan Annual Review of Asia-Japan Research (in Japanese)
2. Main categories of publications
(1) Journal of the Asia-Japan Research Institute of Ritsumeikan University
Research Article (Double blind review) |
Review Article (Double blind review) |
Book review (one book in Asian languages, including Japanese) or Book Review Article (2 or more books in Asian and Japanese languages) |
(2) Asia-Japan Research Academic Bulletin
Research Article (Double blind review) |
Review Article (Double blind review) |
Research Notes (Double blind review) |
Brief Research Report and Field Work Report |
Research Survey (on the state of research and preceding works) |
Book review (one book in any language) or Book Review Article (2 or more books in any language) |
(3) Ritsumeikan Annual Review of Asia-Japan Research (in Japanese)
Research Article (Double blind review) |
Review Article (Double blind review) |
Research Notes (Double blind review) |
Brief Research Report and Field Work Report |
Research Survey (on the state of research and preceding works) |
Book review (one book in any language) or Book Review Article (2 or more books in any language) |
3. Review system
In all three publications, Research Articles, Review Articles, and Research Notes will be reviewed by a strictly double blind review system, and will be clearly described as such when published. The names of the authors are not disclosed to the referees, and the names of the referees will be never disclosed to anyone.
Other categories of papers will be accepted subject to approval by the Editorial Board.
4. Length of manuscript by category
We count the number of pages not the number of words. The following chart shows the number of pages for each category. We stipulate A4 size pages, formatted according to the AJI Style Sheet.
Since our publications are interdisciplinary, we take into consideration the variety of standard lengths of these categories of papers within different fields of sciences. The following chart shows the number of pages in principle. Depending on the disciplinary field and the contents, the Board may allow exceptions.
(a) Journal of the Asia-Japan Research Institute of Ritsumeikan University and Asia-Japan Research Academic Bulletin
Amounts of page numbers of each category:
Category | Number of A4 pages | Remarks |
1. Research Article | 12-15 pages * * Depending on the field of science, the number of pages may be less |
Double blind review |
2. Review Article | 12-15 pages * * Depending on the field of science, the number of pages may be less |
Double blind review |
3. Research Notes | 6-10 Pages | Double blind review |
4. Brief Research Reports in English (including field reports), | 2-5 Pages | Approval by Editorial Board |
5. Research Survey (Review/assessment of preceding research works and the state of current research) | 4-6 Pages | Approval by Editorial Board |
6. Book Review (Language of the Subject Literature depends on the publication)* | 2-5 Pages (for Book Review Articles, up to 7 pages) | Approval by Editorial Board |
* In a book review (single book) the book under review should be a recent publication, such as published within a few years. However, a book review dealing with two or more books under a particular subject, can deal with both books published recently and books published earlier, according to the purpose of the book review.
* If exceptions are allowed, the editorial board will decide whether or not it is appropriate after reviewing the contents.
(In the case of peer-reviewed papers, the agreement of the reviewers is also required.)
(b) Ritsumeikan Annual Review of Asia-Japan Research (in Japanese)
Amounts of page numbers of each category:
Category | Number of A4 pages | Remarks |
1. Research Article | 15-30 pages * * Depending on the field of science, the number of pages may be less |
Double blind review |
2. Review Article | 15-30 pages * * Depending on the field of science, the number of pages may be less |
Double blind review |
3. Research Notes | 10-15 Pages | Double blind review |
4. Brief Research Reports in English (including field reports), | 2-5 Pages | Approval by Editorial Board |
5. Research Survey (Review/assessment of preceding research works and the state of current research) | 5-15 Pages | Approval by Editorial Board |
6. Book Review (Language of the Subject Literature depends on the publication)* | 2-5 Pages (for Book Review Articles, up to 10 pages) | Approval by Editorial Board |
* In a book review (single book) the book under review should be a recent publication, such as published within a few years. However, a book review dealing with two or more books under a particular subject, can deal with both books published recently and books published earlier, according to the purpose of the book review.
* If exceptions are allowed, the editorial board will decide whether or not it is appropriate after reviewing the contents.
(In the case of peer-reviewed papers, the agreement of the reviewers is also required.)