Dialogue to the Future: Interviews with a New Generation of Researchers in the AJI
In this interview series, we would like to have dialogues with each next-generation researcher in the Asia-Japan Research Institute about what brought them to pursue their careers as a researcher, what kind of research topic each is doing, and the difficulties and joys in their research activities.
We hope that readers can enjoy this dialogue series about the thoughts and lives of the various members of our Institute.
No. | Name/Title | Link | |
1 | Dr. Nobuyuki MATSUI / Considering the Ambivalence between Violence and Flexibility Brought about by Social Institutions from a Philosophical Perspective | Read | |
2 | Dr. XIANG, Jingjing / Tracing the Path of the History of Medical Exchange between Japan and China: Studying the “Circulation” of Medical Books | Read | |
3 | Dr. ASHARDIONO Fitrio / Research Produced with Local Farmers in Japan and Indonesia: The Pursuit of Sustainable Agriculture under Climate Change | Read | |
4 | Dr. SUN Yi / The Psychology of Interpersonal and Intercultural Differences: From Her Experiences in Human Resources Department to Academia | Read | |
5 | Dr. LEE Jinhye / Cross-border research of people crossing the international border: A research life from Korea to Kazakhstan and then to Japan | Read | |
6 | Dr. Kazutaka SOGO / From a “devotee of Japanese history” to a researcher of Japanese history: Seeking a Contour of Modern Japanese Political History in East Asia | Read | |
7 | Dr. JIN, Chunyu / Seeking a Historical Picture of the “Sinographic Culture” in East Asia Created by the Travel and Acceptance of Chinese Classics | Read | |
8 | Dr. HO Thanh Tam / Towards Sustainability in Rice Agriculture——Bridging between Vietnam and Japan, and Connecting Local Farmers and Policymakers | Read | |
9 | Dr. Aoi MOCHIZUKI/ Changing the Self through Fieldworks——Confronting the World by Studying Syrian Refugees | Read | |
10 | Dr. Midori KIRIHARA/ From Childhood Interests to a Researcher Position. Touching Locality through Islamic Food | Read | |
11 | Dr. NGUYEN Thi Thuong/ Toward Human Life beyond Water Pollution: Scientific Challenges in Japan with Memories of Her Grandmother | Read |