Global Network

AJI Annual International Symposium

The Asia-Japan Research Institute of Ritsumeikan University, holds an international annual symposium each fiscal year, with various sessions. We have many participants every year. If you are interested, please join us.

《Record of past Annual Symposium》

Year The Entire Theme Each session’s title
2025 AJI Global Symposium 2025 “Challenges for Pioneering Peacebuilding and Our Future Directions: Visions of the Ritsumeikan Model of Asia-Japan Research” ・Keynote Speech: Prof. Kota SUECHIKA “The Day Wars in the Middle East, West Asia, and the World End: Three Perspectives for Peace”
・Panel Discussion: “The Challenges of Creating a Tolerant Society amidst Rapidly Growing Immigration in Asia”
2024 AJI Global Symposium 2024“Challenges for Pioneering Value Creation and Our Future Directions: Visions of the Ritsumeikan Model of Asia-Japan Research” ・Keynote Speech: Prof. Mitoji YABUNAKA “Security Crisis in East Asia and Japan’s Path: Bridging Ideals and Diplomatic Ability”
・Panel Discussion: “Futures of Asia and Japan and the for the Next Generation’s Ability to Live”
2023 “Asia-Japan Research Beyond Borders: Asian Societies Striving for Secure and Sustainable Life” ・Core Session: “Whose ‘Public Space’? International Case Studies of Cities in Japan, Europe, and the United States”
・Session 1:“Environmental Technologies Supporting Agriculture in Vietnam”
・Session 2: “Diversity of Postpartum Childcare Support among East Asian Women and Its Impact on Maternal and Child Well-Being”
2022 “Asia Japan Research Beyond Borders: Global Sharing of Local Wisdom towards Human Longevity“ ・Core Session: “Ritsumeikan and Meridian 180 as an International Policy Think Tank”
・Session 1: “Local Knowledge as the Basis of Disaster Management in Asia”
・Session 2: “Traditional Indonesian Drugs and Functional foods for Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus”
2021 “The 5th Anniversary International Symposium of Asia-Japan Research at Ritsumeikan University Asia, Japan, and the Global Society” ・Core Session: “Asia-Japan Research and the Meridian180 Global Network”
・Session 1: “Digital Archiving of Cultural Properties Based on Advanced ICT and Utilization of the Archived Data”
・Session 2: “Islam in Action in Inter-Asian Everyday Lives: Looking beyond Islamophobia”
・Session 3: “Human Security in Japan”