
The Second AJI Frontier Seminar was held entitled: An Embodied Semiotic Approach to Communication Space in the Contemporary Information Society

The second AJI Frontier Seminar was held on May 21, 2019. Dr. Nobuyuki Matsui, a research fellow at the Institute, made a presentation on his research: An Embodied Semiotic Approach to Communication Space in the Contemporary Information Society and the Importance of Rediscovering Physicality: For Reconstructing Universality out of Embodied Sensitivity.
He presented the argument enthusiastically, from the perspective of an embodied semiotic approach, that we have lost our physicality in an expansion of the virtual communication space in the contemporary information society through digitalization and social networking systems, and that we have a strong need to reconstruct universality out of embodied sensitivity. His provocative augments included an interpretive history of philosophy on universality and correlations between semiotics and physicality in information spaces, and they invited fervent questions from the floor, where the participants all enjoyed a hot debate.

Dr. Matsui speaks enthusiastically to the audience.