Author |
Title |
Page number |
Cover page |
Yasushi KOSUGI |
Introduction |
ⅰ |
Table of Contents |
Editorial Information |
[Research Articles] |
Kensuke YAMAMOTO |
The Debate over the Arab Muslimsʼ Visits to Jerusalem: Current
Developments of an ʻOld and Newʼ Issue |
1 |
[Research Notes] |
Taishi YAZAWA, Yuka KONISHI, and Shunta KOISO |
Proposal of Mutual-educational Brainstorming and Its Application
to the Investigation of Peopleʼs Values over the Environment |
20 |
[Research Reports] |
Chunyu JIN |
Research on Historical Materials of Ci Studies in the Song
Dynasty and Cultural Exchanges between Japan, China, Korea Based on the Chinese
Character Cultural Circle |
35 |
Jinhye LEE |
A Study on Multiethnic Coexistence in Post-Soviet Central Asia:
The Social Integration of the Koryo Saram in Contemporary Kazakhstan
41 |
Fukiko IKEHATA |
International Organizations and International Politics After the
Religious Resurgence: Jordan and the Islamic Countries, Aiming for a New
Paradigm |
47 |
Halal Food that Connects the Modern Islamic World: Islamic Law,
Halal Certification System, and Multiculturalism in Dietary Cultures
53 |
Legal Transformation and Value Creation from Islamic Finance and
its Civil Dispute Resolution: The Quest for Achieving Islamic Justice
59 |
Yasushi KOSUGI |
Structural Comprehension of Islamic Law / Shariah and New
Politico-Economic Trends in the Contemporary Islamic World: Towards Establishing
an Analytical Perspective Utilizing the Knowledge of Islamic Jurisprudence
66 |
[Book Reviews] |
Infectious Society: Bio-politics of the After-CoronaI
(Tatsuya MIMA, Jinbun-Shoin, 2020) |
78 |
Why Do We Commit to International Cooperation?: Humanity
beyond National Interests (Masahiko KIYA and Tatsufumi YAMAGATA, Nihon
Hyoronsha, 2019) |
82 |
Comprehensive Support for Children of Poverty and Foreign
Households: Challenges of Local Communities, Schools and Governments
(Tomoko KASHIWAGI and Tetsuro TAKEI, Koyo Shobo, 2020) |
85 |
Takashi HAYASHI |
Children in Poverty and the Creation of a School that Cares
for Them : From Perspectives of Curriculum, Learning Environment and
Cooperation with Local Communities (Tomoko KASHIWAGI, Akashi Shoten,
88 |
Koichi MIYAIRI |
Local Administration and its Finance in the Decline of
Population and Crises: Seeking for a Welfare State through the Expansion of
Autonomy (Kazuhisa HIRAOKA, Jichitai Kenkyusha, 2020) |
91 |
Global Competition Strategies for Cities and Regions: For
Evaluating the International Competitiveness of Regions in Japan and Framing
Their Competitive Strategies (Takayuki KUBO, Jiji-Tsushinsha, 2019)
94 |
International Comparison of Global Niche Top Companies
(Takeshi FUJIMOTO and Toshitsugu OTAKE [eds.], Koyo Shobo, 2019) |
98 |
Post-War Japan and the Dynamics of Memory: the Politics of
"Succession as Discontinuity" and Innocuousness (Yoshiaki FUKUMA,
Sakuhinsha, 2020) |
101 |
Yuko KONNO |
Dialogue over the Sea between Hawaii and Japan: An Approach
from the Fisheries Industry (Manako OGAWA, Hanawa Shobo, 2019) |
104 |
Takeshi KOBA |
Introduction to Modern Economy and Society (Kazuo
INABA, Takahiko HASHIMOTO, and Yutaka HONDA, Kyoritsu-Shuppan, 2020) |
107 |
Shin AIBA |
The Anthropology of Mysteries on "Secrets of Transformation":
The Transformation of Cities: A Multi-Scopic Urban Theory (Rinpei MIURA
and Toru TAKEOKA, Bunyusha, 2020) |
110 |
Anthropology of Landscape: A Representation of Nature,
Cities, and Memories (Yuko NAKAMA and Yumi TAKENAKA [eds.], Sangensha,
2020) |
112 |
Yasuyuki WATANABE |
Judiciary in Modern Japan: People and the Institution after
the "Judicial System Reform" (Masato ICHIKAWA, Shiro OKUBO, Hiroshi
SAITO, and Chihara WATANABE, Nihon Hyoronsha, 2020)
116 |
Judicial and Criminal Psychology: A Judicial Clinical
Approach (Ryoichi HIROI, NHK-Shuppan, 2020) |
121 |
Toshiya YAMAMOTO |
From "Invitation to Law and Psychology" to More
Collaboration: An Invitation to Law and Psychology (Tatsuya SATO,
Kosuke WAKABAYASHI, Makoto IBUSUKI, Katsumi MATSUMOTO, and Ryoichi HIROI,
Yuhikaku, 2019) |
124 |
Delinquents who Cannot Cut a Cake (Koji MIYAGUCHI,
Shinchosha, 2019) |
130 |
Kuniyasu NAKANO |
Note for Introduction to Civil Code (Tsutomu WATANABE
[ed.], Horitsu Bunkasha, 2019) |
133 |
Shigeru MATSUI |
Repositioning the 'Third Axis': Layers of Media Theory: From
the 1970 Osaka Expo to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics (Yutaka IDA,
Keiso-Shobo, 2020) |
136 |
Introduction to Career Design: Finding and Building
Yourself (Katsutoshi FURUTA, Nakanishiya Shuppan, 2019) |
139 |
Yoshifusa ICHII |
Learning Dance Studies through Video: Considerations from
Diverse Ethnic Groups, Culture, Society and Education (directed by
Yasuko ENDO. Ayano YUGETA, Kyoko TAKAHASHI, Kunihiro SETO, and Susumu AIHARA
(eds.), Taishukan Shoten, 2020)
142 |
Masato HORINO |
Contemporary Tourism Studies: Understanding the "Present"
from Tourism (Hideki ENDO and Kazuya HASHIMOTO [eds.], Shingo TERAOKA,
Makoto YAMAGUCHI, Kazuhiro SUNAGA, and Masato MORI, Shinyosha, 2019)
145 |
Takuya MOTOOKA |
Alcohol and Spaces in Cultural History of Kyoto
(Masahiro KATO, Minerva Shobo 2020) |
148 |
Deqiang LIU |
Comparisons of Economy and Society between Japan and China:
A Study by a Chinese Scholar living in Japan (Xiao-Ping ZHENG, Nihon
Kyohosha, 2019) |
151 |
Mitsuaki SASSA |
Japan and Intellectual Encounters in East Asia: An Attempt
of Transnational History of Thought (Nobuhiro KATSURAJIMA, Shizue OSA,
Hidemi KANAZU, and Hee-Chan SHIM [eds.], Bunrikaku, 2019)
154 |
Keiichi ODAIRA |
Reading a Novel of Qing Dynasty, Kyokaen: A Story of Humor
and Play Created by a Phonologist in the Nineteenth Century (Yuichiro
KATO, Hokkaido Daigaku Shuppankai, 2019) |
159 |
Investigation for Spreads of Literatures in Song Dynasty:
How did Literatures in Song Dynasty Circulated? (Jaw-Perng WANG,
translated by Masaki HAGIWARA, Hatsuko MATSUO, and Tomoyuki IKEDA, Hoyusha,
164 |
Expansion and Collapse of the Japanese Empire and the
Reclamation Group in Manchuria (Toru HOSOYA, Yushisha, 2019) |
168 |
Yoichi KIBATA |
History Issues as Liberal Arts (Ichiro MAEKAWA [ed.],
Kohei KURAHASHI, Yuichi GOZA, and Masanori TSUJITA, Toyo Keizai Shinposha,
2020) |
170 |
Jong Won LEE |
Why has the "Nuclear" Crisis on the Korean Peninsula been
Repeated? (Jung Hoon CHOI, Crane, 2020) |
173 |
Nara ODA |
The Vietnam War and the Aftermath of Young Doctors: People
Who Built the Postwar Foundation (Manabu KURODA [ed. and trans.],
Creates Kamogawa, 2019) |
178 |
Kenki ADACHI |
Transforming States through Conflicts (Kota SUECHIKA
and Mitsugi ENDO [eds.], Iwanami Shoten, 2020) |
182 |
Introduction to Politics in Middle East (Kota SUECHIKA,
Chikuma Shobo, 2020) |
185 |
Chika OBIYA |
Imagination of the Moderate Islamic Trend: Amid Social and
Political Changes in Contemporary Egypt (Ayaka KURODA, Nakanishiya
Shuppan, 2019) |
188 |