Annual Review of Asia-Japan Research at Ritsumeikan

Annual Review of Asia-Japan Research at Ritsumeikan

ONLINE ISSN 2435-4228  PRINT ISSN 2435-421X
Volume 1: issued on June 30, 2020
Volume 2: issued on July 16, 2021
Volume 3: issued on October 14, 2022
Volume 4: issued on August 30, 2023
Volume 5: Issued on August 30, 2024
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Author Title Page number

Cover page
Yasushi KOSUGI Introduction

Table of Contents

Editorial Information
[Research Articles]
Kensuke YAMAMOTO The Debate over the Arab Muslimsʼ Visits to Jerusalem: Current Developments of an ʻOld and Newʼ Issue 1
[Research Notes]
Taishi YAZAWA, Yuka KONISHI, and Shunta KOISO Proposal of Mutual-educational Brainstorming and Its Application to the Investigation of Peopleʼs Values over the Environment 20
[Research Reports]
Chunyu JIN Research on Historical Materials of Ci Studies in the Song Dynasty and Cultural Exchanges between Japan, China, Korea Based on the Chinese Character Cultural Circle 35
Jinhye LEE A Study on Multiethnic Coexistence in Post-Soviet Central Asia: The Social Integration of the Koryo Saram in Contemporary Kazakhstan 41
Fukiko IKEHATA International Organizations and International Politics After the Religious Resurgence: Jordan and the Islamic Countries, Aiming for a New Paradigm 47
Midori KIRIHARA Halal Food that Connects the Modern Islamic World: Islamic Law, Halal Certification System, and Multiculturalism in Dietary Cultures 53
Ai KAWAMURA Legal Transformation and Value Creation from Islamic Finance and its Civil Dispute Resolution: The Quest for Achieving Islamic Justice 59
Yasushi KOSUGI Structural Comprehension of Islamic Law / Shariah and New Politico-Economic Trends in the Contemporary Islamic World: Towards Establishing an Analytical Perspective Utilizing the Knowledge of Islamic Jurisprudence 66
[Book Reviews]
Junko KITANAKA Infectious Society: Bio-politics of the After-CoronaI (Tatsuya MIMA, Jinbun-Shoin, 2020) 78
Yuko KAMISHIMA Why Do We Commit to International Cooperation?: Humanity beyond National Interests (Masahiko KIYA and Tatsufumi YAMAGATA, Nihon Hyoronsha, 2019) 82
Maho TANAKA Comprehensive Support for Children of Poverty and Foreign Households: Challenges of Local Communities, Schools and Governments (Tomoko KASHIWAGI and Tetsuro TAKEI, Koyo Shobo, 2020) 85
Takashi HAYASHI Children in Poverty and the Creation of a School that Cares for Them : From Perspectives of Curriculum, Learning Environment and Cooperation with Local Communities (Tomoko KASHIWAGI, Akashi Shoten, 2020) 88
Koichi MIYAIRI Local Administration and its Finance in the Decline of Population and Crises: Seeking for a Welfare State through the Expansion of Autonomy (Kazuhisa HIRAOKA, Jichitai Kenkyusha, 2020) 91
Akira YAMAZAKI Global Competition Strategies for Cities and Regions: For Evaluating the International Competitiveness of Regions in Japan and Framing Their Competitive Strategies (Takayuki KUBO, Jiji-Tsushinsha, 2019) 94
Kenji YOKOYAMA International Comparison of Global Niche Top Companies (Takeshi FUJIMOTO and Toshitsugu OTAKE [eds.], Koyo Shobo, 2019) 98
Koki MIZUDE Post-War Japan and the Dynamics of Memory: the Politics of "Succession as Discontinuity" and Innocuousness (Yoshiaki FUKUMA, Sakuhinsha, 2020) 101
Yuko KONNO Dialogue over the Sea between Hawaii and Japan: An Approach from the Fisheries Industry (Manako OGAWA, Hanawa Shobo, 2019) 104
Takeshi KOBA Introduction to Modern Economy and Society (Kazuo INABA, Takahiko HASHIMOTO, and Yutaka HONDA, Kyoritsu-Shuppan, 2020) 107
Shin AIBA The Anthropology of Mysteries on "Secrets of Transformation": The Transformation of Cities: A Multi-Scopic Urban Theory (Rinpei MIURA and Toru TAKEOKA, Bunyusha, 2020) 110
Takemi KURESAWA Anthropology of Landscape: A Representation of Nature, Cities, and Memories (Yuko NAKAMA and Yumi TAKENAKA [eds.], Sangensha, 2020) 112
Yasuyuki WATANABE Judiciary in Modern Japan: People and the Institution after the "Judicial System Reform" (Masato ICHIKAWA, Shiro OKUBO, Hiroshi SAITO, and Chihara WATANABE, Nihon Hyoronsha, 2020) 116
Tsutomu MURAMATSU Judicial and Criminal Psychology: A Judicial Clinical Approach (Ryoichi HIROI, NHK-Shuppan, 2020) 121
Toshiya YAMAMOTO From "Invitation to Law and Psychology" to More Collaboration: An Invitation to Law and Psychology (Tatsuya SATO, Kosuke WAKABAYASHI, Makoto IBUSUKI, Katsumi MATSUMOTO, and Ryoichi HIROI, Yuhikaku, 2019) 124
Hikari MORIMOTO Delinquents who Cannot Cut a Cake (Koji MIYAGUCHI, Shinchosha, 2019) 130
Kuniyasu NAKANO Note for Introduction to Civil Code (Tsutomu WATANABE [ed.], Horitsu Bunkasha, 2019) 133
Shigeru MATSUI Repositioning the 'Third Axis': Layers of Media Theory: From the 1970 Osaka Expo to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics (Yutaka IDA, Keiso-Shobo, 2020) 136
Kotaro MORIMOTO Introduction to Career Design: Finding and Building Yourself (Katsutoshi FURUTA, Nakanishiya Shuppan, 2019) 139
Yoshifusa ICHII Learning Dance Studies through Video: Considerations from Diverse Ethnic Groups, Culture, Society and Education (directed by Yasuko ENDO. Ayano YUGETA, Kyoko TAKAHASHI, Kunihiro SETO, and Susumu AIHARA (eds.), Taishukan Shoten, 2020) 142
Masato HORINO Contemporary Tourism Studies: Understanding the "Present" from Tourism (Hideki ENDO and Kazuya HASHIMOTO [eds.], Shingo TERAOKA, Makoto YAMAGUCHI, Kazuhiro SUNAGA, and Masato MORI, Shinyosha, 2019) 145
Takuya MOTOOKA Alcohol and Spaces in Cultural History of Kyoto (Masahiro KATO, Minerva Shobo 2020) 148
Deqiang LIU Comparisons of Economy and Society between Japan and China: A Study by a Chinese Scholar living in Japan (Xiao-Ping ZHENG, Nihon Kyohosha, 2019) 151
Mitsuaki SASSA Japan and Intellectual Encounters in East Asia: An Attempt of Transnational History of Thought (Nobuhiro KATSURAJIMA, Shizue OSA, Hidemi KANAZU, and Hee-Chan SHIM [eds.], Bunrikaku, 2019) 154
Keiichi ODAIRA Reading a Novel of Qing Dynasty, Kyokaen: A Story of Humor and Play Created by a Phonologist in the Nineteenth Century (Yuichiro KATO, Hokkaido Daigaku Shuppankai, 2019) 159
Ai HARADA Investigation for Spreads of Literatures in Song Dynasty: How did Literatures in Song Dynasty Circulated? (Jaw-Perng WANG, translated by Masaki HAGIWARA, Hatsuko MATSUO, and Tomoyuki IKEDA, Hoyusha, 2019) 164
Sumiyo NISHIZAKI Expansion and Collapse of the Japanese Empire and the Reclamation Group in Manchuria (Toru HOSOYA, Yushisha, 2019) 168
Yoichi KIBATA History Issues as Liberal Arts (Ichiro MAEKAWA [ed.], Kohei KURAHASHI, Yuichi GOZA, and Masanori TSUJITA, Toyo Keizai Shinposha, 2020) 170
Jong Won LEE Why has the "Nuclear" Crisis on the Korean Peninsula been Repeated? (Jung Hoon CHOI, Crane, 2020) 173
Nara ODA The Vietnam War and the Aftermath of Young Doctors: People Who Built the Postwar Foundation (Manabu KURODA [ed. and trans.], Creates Kamogawa, 2019) 178
Kenki ADACHI Transforming States through Conflicts (Kota SUECHIKA and Mitsugi ENDO [eds.], Iwanami Shoten, 2020) 182
Takuro YOSHIKAWA Introduction to Politics in Middle East (Kota SUECHIKA, Chikuma Shobo, 2020) 185
Chika OBIYA Imagination of the Moderate Islamic Trend: Amid Social and Political Changes in Contemporary Egypt (Ayaka KURODA, Nakanishiya Shuppan, 2019) 188