Annual Review of Asia-Japan Research at Ritsumeikan
(All contents are in Japanese.)

Annual Review of Asia-Japan Research at Ritsumeikan

ONLINE ISSN 2435-4228  PRINT ISSN 2435-421X
Volume 1: issued on June 30, 2020
Volume 2: issued on July 16, 2021
Volume 3: issued on October 14, 2022
Volume 4: issued on August 30, 2023
Volume 5: Issued on August 30, 2024
You can read PDF data on the Repository of Ritsumeikan University.
Author Title Page number

Cover page
Yasushi KOSUGI Introduction

Table of Contents

Editorial Information
[Research Articles]
Masami TATENO On the Toho (Emetic Remedy) in Traditional Japanese Medicine: One Phase of Medicine in the Edo Era 1
Kei NAGAOKA Western Images of the Blue Poppy and Tibetan Medicine: Anthropology of Images about Plants 20
Etsuaki YOSHIDA Fiscal Behavior of Uzbekistan under the Current Regime of President Mirziyoyev and its Outlook: Debt Ceiling, COVID-Pandemic and Islamic Economies 45
[Research Notes]
Daimon AOI Edge Highlighting as a Visual Guide in Transparent Multi-view 3D Visualizations of Laser-scanned 3D Point Clouds 70
Kazutaka SOGŌ Toward the Construction of an Imperial Japanese Political History: Considering the Collapse of the Responsible Cabinet System in Modern Japan from the Perspective of Takumushō 77
Yuki NAGASHIMA Investigating the Division of the Japanese Communist Party in the Early 1950’s Using Contemporaneous Documents: Focusing on the Journals of the Kansai and Chugoku Regions 84
Jingjing XIANG Advanced East Asian Medicine, Medical Books, and Medical Food Ingredients in Early Modern Japan: Expanding Perspectives towards Modern Medicinal Cuisine and Ginseng 92
Khashan AMMAR and Midori KIRIHARA Sequential Implications of Pork and Alcohol Prohibitions in the Islamic World: Viewpoints and Prospects for Halal Economic Research in Japan 96
Aoi MOCHIZUKI Refugees’ Belongingness and Social Inclusion: International Society after the Syrian Refugee Crisis 102
[Book Reviews]
Mao SAITO On Telling, Listening to, and Reading Personal Lives: Essays on the Life History (Masahiko KISHI ed., Nakanishiya Shuppan, 2022) 107
Tetsuo EBATO The Power of Writing: Learning from Good Sentences by KATO Shuichi (Tsutomu WASHIZU, Shūeisha, 2022) 111
Yukihiko ASAOKA Beyond School Elimination and Consolidation: Sustainable Schools and Community Development (Yumi YAMAMOTO and Kazuhisa HIRAOKA eds., Jichitai Kenkyusha, 2022) 115
Hideto FUKUDOME Varieties of University IR and Learning and Education Reforms: Learning from the Changing University Experiences (Tomoko TORII, Tamagawa Daigaku Shuppanbu, 2021) 118
Teiji HAYANO Living with Mental Illness: The “Live Practice” of People Seen through their Works (Mayumi KOMAZAWA, Seikatsu Shoin, 2022) 122
Mami MITACHI History of Clinical Psychology (Tatsuya SATO, Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai, 2021) 127
Shahla Baanu KATSURA What is a “Half”? The Image and Reality that I Want to Share with You (Lawrence Yoshitaka SHIMOJI, Heibonsha, 2021) 130
Fumihiko HANADA On Showa 50s: The Intersection of the “End of the War” and the “Endless War” (Yoshiaki FUKUMA ed., Mizuki Shorin, 2022) 134
Kosuke WAKABAYASHI For Japanese Forensic Science to Be a Science: Recommendations for Reform (Yoshihiro HIRAOKA ed., Gendai Jinbunsha, 2021) 138
Hideki FUJII Accounting for Nuclear Power Generation (Eri KANAMORI, Chūokeizaisha, 2022) 142
Yoshika YAMAMOTO Introduction to Food and Environmental Issues in the SDGs Era (Miki YOSHIZUMI, Koji SHIMADA, Koji AMANO, and Naoki YOSHIKAWA, Showado, 2021) 145
Hideki KITAGAWA Sustainability Science in the SDGs Era (Weisheng ZHOU ed., Horitsu-bunkasha, 2022) 149
Toshiyuki SHIMIZU Encyclopedia of the Water Environment (Japan Society on Water Environment ed., Asakura Shoten, 2021) 153
Takuji MIYAUCHI Industrialization of the Food Service Industry: A Case of Restaurant Business and Home Meal Replacement Business (Hiroko TANAKA, Koyo Shobo, 2022) 157
Yuichiro MARUYA International Expansion of Japanese Retailers: Challenges of the Japanese Style (Tatsuro TOBA, Yasuko KAWABATA, Yasuyuki SASAKI eds., Chuo Keizaisha, 2022) 163
Sachio NAKATO Forty Years Diplomatic Negotiations: Memoir of Mitoji Yabunaka (Mitoji YABUNAKA, Mineruva Shobo, 2021) 167
Seungyeon KIM Following Japanese Expressions: Seeking Their Roots in the Former Japanese Colonies (Shigemi NAKAGAWA and Masahiko NISHI eds., Shoraisha, 2022) 171
Shigeo YASUI Collected Poems of Lord Konoe Motohiro (Ōenmanin) (Sachiko KAWASAKI, Koten Library, 2022) 176
Masashi YASUDA Why is History Necessary: Messages for the “Post-Historical Era” (Shingo MINAMIZUKA, Hiroyuki KOTANI, and Yoichi KIBATA eds., written by Yuka ANZAKO et. al., Iwanami Shoten, 2022) 180
Tetsuma EMARU Consumer Cognitive Structure in a Multicultural Society: Globalization and Country Biases (Shinichiro TERASAKI, Waseda Daigaku Shuppanbu, 2021) 186
Josuke IKEDA On Global Order: The Resonance of Transborder Thought, Institutions, and Norms (Satoko KAWAMURA and Kunihiko TATSUZAWA, Koyoshobo, 2022) 190
Ryo SATO Migration of Clothing, Food and Housing I: What Do They Eat after Crossing the Sea? (Norifumi KAWAHARA and Kazuhiro OHARAZEKI, Bunrikaku, 2021) 195
Nobuhiko NAKAYA Modern Chinese Economy and Society (Shaojie DOU and Kazuhiko YOKOI eds., Chuo-keizaisha, 2022) 198
Toshiya MATSUMOTO The Political Economy of US-China Economic Friction: Great Power Oppositions and International Order (Satoru NAKAMOTO and Hiroyuki MATSUMURA eds., Koyoshobo, 2022) 203
Mitsuo ISHIDA Production Management and Labor Relations in the New Normal China: Distress and Ingenuity at Production Sites Seen from the Fact-finding Surveys (Shaojie Dou, Minerva Shobo, 2022) 207
Hikaru OGURA Brief Introduction to Chinese Literature: From “Shikyō” to “Santi” (Masaya TAKEDA, Yuichiro KABE, and Yoko TAMURA eds., Minerva Shobo, 2022) 211
Toru ŌGATA Historical Study of Thought in Chinese Excavated Manuscripts: With a Focus on Epics and Didactic Books = (Tomoko KUSANO, Kyuko Shoin, 2022) 214
Takahito YAMADA History of War in Ancient China (Shinya SATO, Kodansha Gendaishinsyo, 2021) 219
Kyuichi UEHARA Selection of Chinese Classic Dramas III (Yuya GOTO, Saiko TAMURA, Shiyunsen CHIN, Yoshiki NISHIKAWA, and Masakiyo HAYASHI eds. and trans., Toho Shoten, 2022) 224
Taehoon KIM The Establishment of Daejongism in the Modern Period of Korea: The Restoration of Dangunism and the Life of Na Cheol (Mitsuaki SASSA, Akashi Shoten, 2021) 228
Akinobu SATO Representation of Korean Kamikaze Commandos: Between National History and Collective Memories (Hak Jun KWON, Hosei Daigaku Shuppankyoku, 2022) 232
Jiro NAKAI Contemporary Thought on Fieldwork: For Post-Pandemic Fieldworkers (Hideki ENDO ed., Nakanishiya Shuppan, 2022) 236
Takahiro TOMITA Inland Country Challenging Corona: Five Testimonials and Border Debate in Mongolia (Dorjsuren NANJIN, Masataka TAMAI, Yoshinao TAMAI, and Miyawaki NOBORU eds., Shigakusha, 2021) 240
Yoshihiro CHIBA Invented Traditional Medicine: A History of Medical Policy in Vietnam (Nara ODA, Kyoto Daigaku Gakujutsu Shuppankai, 2022) 243
Nobuo MORI Dietary Laws in the Modern Islamic World and the Internationalization of the Halal Industry: Ideas and Initiatives in Malaysia (Midori KIRIHARA, Nakanishiya Shuppan, 2022) 246
Shinsuke NAGAOKA The Origins of the Islamic Economy: From the Making of Law in the Age of Muhammad to Present Innovations (Ammar KHASHAN, Nakanishiya Shuppan, 2022) 250
Gustavo MEIRELES Living in Two Asias: Ethnic Problems and Acculturation in the Koryo Saram Diaspora in Contemporary Kazakhstan (Jinhye LEE, Nakanishiya Shuppan, 2022) 253
Kenta AOKI Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran (supervised by Satoru NAKAMURA; Kota Shuechika ed., Minerva Shobo, 2021) 257
Moe NAKANISHI The Ethnography of “Persona”: Women, Inequality and Desire in Contemporary Egypt (Junko TORIYAMA, Shunpusha, 2022) 261