Author |
Title |
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Cover page |
Yasushi KOSUGI |
Introduction |
ⅰ |
Table of Contents |
Editorial Information |
[Research Articles] |
Masami TATENO |
On the Toho (Emetic Remedy) in Traditional Japanese Medicine: One Phase of Medicine in the Edo Era |
1 |
Western Images of the Blue Poppy and Tibetan Medicine: Anthropology of Images about Plants |
20 |
Etsuaki YOSHIDA |
Fiscal Behavior of Uzbekistan under the Current Regime of President Mirziyoyev and its Outlook: Debt Ceiling, COVID-Pandemic and Islamic Economies |
45 |
[Research Notes] |
Daimon AOI |
Edge Highlighting as a Visual Guide in Transparent Multi-view 3D Visualizations of Laser-scanned 3D Point Clouds |
70 |
Kazutaka SOGŌ |
Toward the Construction of an Imperial Japanese Political History: Considering the Collapse of the Responsible Cabinet System in Modern Japan from the Perspective of Takumushō |
77 |
Investigating the Division of the Japanese Communist Party in the Early 1950’s Using Contemporaneous Documents: Focusing on the Journals of the Kansai and Chugoku Regions |
84 |
Jingjing XIANG |
Advanced East Asian Medicine, Medical Books, and Medical Food Ingredients in Early Modern Japan: Expanding Perspectives towards Modern Medicinal Cuisine and Ginseng |
92 |
Khashan AMMAR and Midori KIRIHARA |
Sequential Implications of Pork and Alcohol Prohibitions in the Islamic World: Viewpoints and Prospects for Halal Economic Research in Japan |
96 |
Refugees’ Belongingness and Social Inclusion: International Society after the Syrian Refugee Crisis |
102 |
[Book Reviews] |
On Telling, Listening to, and Reading Personal Lives: Essays on the Life History (Masahiko KISHI ed., Nakanishiya Shuppan, 2022) |
107 |
Tetsuo EBATO |
The Power of Writing: Learning from Good Sentences by KATO Shuichi (Tsutomu WASHIZU, Shūeisha, 2022) |
111 |
Yukihiko ASAOKA |
Beyond School Elimination and Consolidation: Sustainable Schools and Community Development (Yumi YAMAMOTO and Kazuhisa HIRAOKA eds., Jichitai Kenkyusha, 2022) |
115 |
Varieties of University IR and Learning and Education Reforms: Learning from the Changing University Experiences (Tomoko TORII, Tamagawa Daigaku Shuppanbu, 2021) |
118 |
Teiji HAYANO |
Living with Mental Illness: The “Live Practice” of People Seen through their Works (Mayumi KOMAZAWA, Seikatsu Shoin, 2022) |
122 |
History of Clinical Psychology (Tatsuya SATO, Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai, 2021) |
127 |
Shahla Baanu KATSURA |
What is a “Half”? The Image and Reality that I Want to Share with You (Lawrence Yoshitaka SHIMOJI, Heibonsha, 2021) |
130 |
Fumihiko HANADA |
On Showa 50s: The Intersection of the “End of the War” and the “Endless War” (Yoshiaki FUKUMA ed., Mizuki Shorin, 2022) |
134 |
For Japanese Forensic Science to Be a Science: Recommendations for Reform (Yoshihiro HIRAOKA ed., Gendai Jinbunsha, 2021) |
138 |
Hideki FUJII |
Accounting for Nuclear Power Generation (Eri KANAMORI, Chūokeizaisha, 2022) |
142 |
Yoshika YAMAMOTO |
Introduction to Food and Environmental Issues in the SDGs Era (Miki YOSHIZUMI, Koji SHIMADA, Koji AMANO, and Naoki YOSHIKAWA, Showado, 2021) |
145 |
Sustainability Science in the SDGs Era (Weisheng ZHOU ed., Horitsu-bunkasha, 2022) |
149 |
Toshiyuki SHIMIZU |
Encyclopedia of the Water Environment (Japan Society on Water Environment ed., Asakura Shoten, 2021) |
153 |
Industrialization of the Food Service Industry: A Case of Restaurant Business and Home Meal Replacement Business (Hiroko TANAKA, Koyo Shobo, 2022) |
157 |
Yuichiro MARUYA |
International Expansion of Japanese Retailers: Challenges of the Japanese Style (Tatsuro TOBA, Yasuko KAWABATA, Yasuyuki SASAKI eds., Chuo Keizaisha, 2022) |
163 |
Sachio NAKATO |
Forty Years Diplomatic Negotiations: Memoir of Mitoji Yabunaka (Mitoji YABUNAKA, Mineruva Shobo, 2021) |
167 |
Seungyeon KIM |
Following Japanese Expressions: Seeking Their Roots in the Former Japanese Colonies (Shigemi NAKAGAWA and Masahiko NISHI eds., Shoraisha, 2022) |
171 |
Shigeo YASUI |
Collected Poems of Lord Konoe Motohiro (Ōenmanin) (Sachiko KAWASAKI, Koten Library, 2022) |
176 |
Masashi YASUDA |
Why is History Necessary: Messages for the “Post-Historical Era” (Shingo MINAMIZUKA, Hiroyuki KOTANI, and Yoichi KIBATA eds., written by Yuka ANZAKO et. al., Iwanami Shoten, 2022) |
180 |
Tetsuma EMARU |
Consumer Cognitive Structure in a Multicultural Society: Globalization and Country Biases (Shinichiro TERASAKI, Waseda Daigaku Shuppanbu, 2021) |
186 |
Josuke IKEDA |
On Global Order: The Resonance of Transborder Thought, Institutions, and Norms (Satoko KAWAMURA and Kunihiko TATSUZAWA, Koyoshobo, 2022) |
190 |
Ryo SATO |
Migration of Clothing, Food and Housing I: What Do They Eat after Crossing the Sea? (Norifumi KAWAHARA and Kazuhiro OHARAZEKI, Bunrikaku, 2021) |
195 |
Nobuhiko NAKAYA |
Modern Chinese Economy and Society (Shaojie DOU and Kazuhiko YOKOI eds., Chuo-keizaisha, 2022) |
198 |
The Political Economy of US-China Economic Friction: Great Power Oppositions and International Order (Satoru NAKAMOTO and Hiroyuki MATSUMURA eds., Koyoshobo, 2022) |
203 |
Mitsuo ISHIDA |
Production Management and Labor Relations in the New Normal China: Distress and Ingenuity at Production Sites Seen from the Fact-finding Surveys (Shaojie Dou, Minerva Shobo, 2022) |
207 |
Hikaru OGURA |
Brief Introduction to Chinese Literature: From “Shikyō” to “Santi” (Masaya TAKEDA, Yuichiro KABE, and Yoko TAMURA eds., Minerva Shobo, 2022) |
211 |
Toru ŌGATA |
Historical Study of Thought in Chinese Excavated Manuscripts: With a Focus on Epics and Didactic Books = (Tomoko KUSANO, Kyuko Shoin, 2022) |
214 |
Takahito YAMADA |
History of War in Ancient China (Shinya SATO, Kodansha Gendaishinsyo, 2021) |
219 |
Kyuichi UEHARA |
Selection of Chinese Classic Dramas III (Yuya GOTO, Saiko TAMURA, Shiyunsen CHIN, Yoshiki NISHIKAWA, and Masakiyo HAYASHI eds. and trans., Toho Shoten, 2022) |
224 |
Taehoon KIM |
The Establishment of Daejongism in the Modern Period of Korea: The Restoration of Dangunism and the Life of Na Cheol (Mitsuaki SASSA, Akashi Shoten, 2021) |
228 |
Akinobu SATO |
Representation of Korean Kamikaze Commandos: Between National History and Collective Memories (Hak Jun KWON, Hosei Daigaku Shuppankyoku, 2022) |
232 |
Jiro NAKAI |
Contemporary Thought on Fieldwork: For Post-Pandemic Fieldworkers (Hideki ENDO ed., Nakanishiya Shuppan, 2022) |
236 |
Takahiro TOMITA |
Inland Country Challenging Corona: Five Testimonials and Border Debate in Mongolia (Dorjsuren NANJIN, Masataka TAMAI, Yoshinao TAMAI, and Miyawaki NOBORU eds., Shigakusha, 2021) |
240 |
Yoshihiro CHIBA |
Invented Traditional Medicine: A History of Medical Policy in Vietnam (Nara ODA, Kyoto Daigaku Gakujutsu Shuppankai, 2022) |
243 |
Nobuo MORI |
Dietary Laws in the Modern Islamic World and the Internationalization of the Halal Industry: Ideas and Initiatives in Malaysia (Midori KIRIHARA, Nakanishiya Shuppan, 2022) |
246 |
Shinsuke NAGAOKA |
The Origins of the Islamic Economy: From the Making of Law in the Age of Muhammad to Present Innovations (Ammar KHASHAN, Nakanishiya Shuppan, 2022) |
250 |
Gustavo MEIRELES |
Living in Two Asias: Ethnic Problems and Acculturation in the Koryo Saram Diaspora in Contemporary Kazakhstan (Jinhye LEE, Nakanishiya Shuppan, 2022) |
253 |
Kenta AOKI |
Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran (supervised by Satoru NAKAMURA; Kota Shuechika ed., Minerva Shobo, 2021) |
257 |
The Ethnography of “Persona”: Women, Inequality and Desire in Contemporary Egypt (Junko TORIYAMA, Shunpusha, 2022) |
261 |