Profiles of Young Researchers

XIANG Jingjing

Assistant Professor, Ritsumeikan Asia-Japan Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University

Specialized field: Research on medical intellectual history and medical books in modern Japan. Research on the history of medical exchange between Japan and China
Ritsumeikan University Researcher Database
Degree:Ph.D. in philosophy (Ritsumeikan University), 2020
Doctoral Thesis: Hukko and medicine——Research on medical thought in modern Japan
Publications: Medicine and Confucianism: A Study on Medical Cultural Exchange and Knowledge Circulation in Early Modern East Asia (Jinbun Shoin [In Japanese],2023) │ ,pp.1-344 (Sole-authored)
Jingjing Xiang and Nara Oda eds., Asian Medicine: Tradition and Innovation (Asia-Japan Research Institute, Ritsumeikan University, 2023) │ (Co-authored)
Recent Papers : 1. "Shuan Kagawa's Nichiyonoyaku: Focusing on Ippondoyakusen. " History of Medicine, vol.112. pp225-239,2020
2. "On Yamawaki Toyo's Ideology of Medical Revival: A Discussion of the First Public Human Dissection in Japan and Its Impact. "Chinese Medical Literature and Culture. vol. 1. pp225-239, 2020
Recent Research Interests: Research on the introduction of Shang Han Lun to Japan. Epidemics in Early Modern Japan. The Intellectual Network of Confucian scholars and doctors.