Profiles of Young Researchers


Senior Researcher, Asia-Japan Research Institute, Ritsumeikan University

Specialized Field: Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology
Degree: PhD (Biological Sciences, College of Science, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan)
Doctoral Thesis:"Study the Role of Nitric Oxide in the Modulation of Ethephon or NaCl-induced Leaf Senescence in Sweet Potato"
Recent Papers:1. Endophytic fungi Beauveria bassiana Balsamo accelerates growth of common bean (Phaeseolus vulgaris L.). A. Afandhi, T.Widjayanti, A.A.L. Emi, H. Tarno, Afiyanti, M Rose Novita Sari Handoko., Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture. 2019.:
2. Designing a polytope for use in a broad-spectrum dengue virus vaccine. Himmah,K., Fitriyah., Ardiyati, T.,Afiyanti, M., Rifaí M., and Widodo N., Journal Of Taibah University Medical Sciences. 1-6. 2017. (12/2017;SCI).
Recent Research Interests: Role of antioxidant and nitric oxide in plant, plant genetics, and plant protection