Profiles of Young Researchers

WIJAYA, Trissia

Senior Researcher, Ritsumeikan Asia-Japan Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University

Specialized field: Political economy, environmental politics, infrastructure governance and development, China-Southeast Asia relations
Degree: PhD in Politics (Murdoch University, September 2022)
Doctoral Thesis: The Political Economy of Chinese and Japanese Infrastructure Financing Governance in Indonesia: Organising Ideology, Alliances, and Institutions
Recent Papers:
• Trissia Wijaya, “Risk is not measured, but compromised and contested: A case study of the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Railway”. Journal of Contemporary Asia, Accepted (8 May 2024).
• Trissia Wijaya & Kanishka Jayasuriya. (2024) “A new multipolar order: New patterns of combined development, state forms, and business classes”, International Affairs, forthcoming, doi: 10.1093/ia/iiae135
• Trissia Wijaya & Lian Sinclair. (2024). “A fix for Indonesian extractivism: The resource nationalist-green development nexus”. Environmental Politics,
• Trissia Wijaya & Kanishka Jayasuriya. (2024). “Militarized neoliberalism and the reconstruction of the global political economy”. New Political Economy,
• Trissia Wijaya & Ali Hayes, (2023). “State transformation and class relations under the shadow of economic security: The case of Japan”. The Asia Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, 21(12).
• Trissia Wijaya & Alvin Camba, (2023). “The Politics of Public Private Partnerships: State-Capital Relations and Spatial Fixes in Indonesia and the Philippines”. Territory, Politics, and Governance, 11(8):1669-1688.
Recent Research Interests: The political economy of EVs and critical mineral processing, Global China, Geopolitical economy and shifting world order