Try Field Opening Ceremony Held at OIC

On Sunday, May 19, Ritsumeikan held the Try Field Opening Ceremony at the Osaka Ibaraki Campus (OIC), and approximately 200 people, including national and local government officials, company representatives, and Academy stakeholders, were in attendance.

Dubbed Try Field, Ritsumeikan University opened a new building (Building H) in April 2024 to serve as a venue for generating bold, new endeavors by creating connections and collaborating with a diverse array of people working to create the society of the future and solve social issues. Ritsumeikan is the first educational institution in Japan to establish a Microsoft Base on campus (in Building H). This facility integrates cutting-edge digital knowledge and academic activities to support the development of human resources for the digital transformation (DX) and the creation of startups, and through this and other initiatives, Ritsumeikan strives to create social impact and cultivate emerging talent.

Professor Masato Miyake, Director of the Ritsumeikan Co-Creation Initiative
Professor Masato Miyake, Director of the Ritsumeikan Co-Creation Initiative
Performance by the Cheering Squad
Performance by the Cheering Squad

At the ceremony, Professor Masato Miyake, Director of the Ritsumeikan Co-Creation Initiative, provided an overview of the Try Field facility, which was followed by a performance by the Cheering Squad. This intersection where students, society, education, and research all come together marked the start of the Try Field experience.

The event was centered on the first-floor Creative Complex, where visitors could experience a variety of cutting-edge research and the latest technologies, including extended reality (XR), which aims to combine the real and virtual, as well as see the initiatives that Ritsumeikan is pursuing in collaboration with partner companies and organizations. There was also a Future Learning Experience held in Learning Infinity Hall, a brand new classroom unlike anywhere else in the world. Here, visitors experienced what it was like to learn in an active learning classroom with cutting-edge equipment and functions.

The day of the ceremony coincided with Ibaraki x Ritsumeikan Day 2024, and approximately 23,000 visitors flocked to OIC. This meant local citizens and children could also to witness Ritsumeikan’s latest research outcomes and experience its state-of-the-art facilities.

Gakuji Ito, Deputy Director-General, Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Shun Shirai, Director, Council for Science, Technology and Innovation, Cabinet Office

After the hands-on experience, Mr. Gakuji Ito, Deputy Director-General of the Higher Education Bureau of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, delivered remarks in which he expressed his high expectations for Try Field: “The Try Field is a highly innovative facility where both students and members of society can boldly tackle challenges and create new things. I hope this will lead to new kinds of co-creation that will help solve the problems faced by both Japan and the world.” Next, Mr. Shun Shirai, Director of the Cabinet Office’s Council for Science, Technology and Innovation, who delivered remarks on behalf of Mr. Hiroki Matsuo, Secretary General for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Cabinet Office, said, “I hope Ritsumeikan will continue to develop into a university that contributes to the region, to Japanese society, and to the world in both education and research.”

Chairperson Tomomi Morishima
Chancellor Yoshio Nakatani
Vice Chancellor Akio Tokuda

In his speech, Chairperson Tomomi Morishima stated his aspirations by saying, "Innovation is born from the cross-fertilization of different types of existing knowledge. I would like us to create new knowledge and social impact, not only at Ritsumeikan University, but also by combining our knowledge with the knowledge of various stakeholders and engaging in co-creation with society at large."

This was followed by Chancellor Yoshio Nakatani, who declared, “What is needed is an exciting environment that stimulates curiosity and places that enable extensive and close interaction with others. I want to make Try Field a place where people from all walks of life can create new ideas without being bound by conventional values and where they can earnestly try new things without fear of failure."

Finally, Vice Chancellor Akio Tokuda closed the ceremony with a bold declaration: "'OIC is also an Open Innovation Campus that promotes open innovation in collaboration with industry, academia, government, and the region. In line with the concept of ‘Challenge your mind. Change our Future,’ our motto for the Academy Vision, we will transcend the boundaries of Ritsumeikan University to foster a culture of boldly tackling challenges in the Kansai region and to cultivate innovators who are willing to fail and continue to rising to the challenge.”


May 29, 2024 TOPICS

Ritsumeikan’s ASEAN Office Participates in Discussion with MEXT Minister Masahito Moriyama
