
【Report】Book Launch of Dr. Muhammad Riza NURDIN’s new publication, Islamic Civil Society Organizations and Their Role in Forming Social Capital in Disaster-Hit Communities in Southeast Asia: The Cases of Aceh and East Java, Indonesia

An AJI Book Launch was held online on December 6, hosted by the Ritsumeikan Asia-Japan Research Institute. This time, Dr. Muhammad Riza NURDIN, a visiting researcher at Ritsumeikan Asia-Japan Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University, introduced his book, Islamic Civil Society Organizations and Their Role in Forming Social Capital in Disaster-Hit Communities in Southeast Asia: The Cases of Aceh and East Java, Indonesia, published in March 2023.

Dr. Riza, an anthropologist born in Aceh, experienced the aftermath of the devastating tsunami, and has devoted his research efforts to community-based disaster response and recovery. His book examines firsthand the process of social capital generation focusing on the role of an Islamic civil society organization in facilitating disaster recovery in Gayo, North Sumatra, after the 2013 Earthquake, and the 2014 Mt. Kelud Eruption in East Java. He illustrated how an ICSO representative with cultural sensitivity to local indigenous values could help the villagers of Gayo to gain confidence and restore their livelihoods through bonding with the villagers, bridging between communities and linking with outsiders. He painted a contrasting picture of Kelud, where the same ICSO’s efforts had mixed results. Dr. Riza clearly showed us how sensitivity to indigenous values is one of the determinants to the success of DDR efforts, and highlighted how the ICSO’s facilitator plays a key role.

Dr. Riza’s engaging presentation of his book lead to several questions. In particular, whether as a result of his observations he had observed any improvements in the training of the organization’s representatives; on how such independent organizations were managed, and the benefits of faith based CSOs in building social capital. Dr. Riza answered the questions wisely and expressed the hope that this book will contribute to future improvements in the humanitarian and disaster recovery community.

All the participants at this AJI Book Launch were captured by the significance of this topic, and we wish Dr. Riza success with his future research in Indonesia and beyond.

Dr. Riza talking about his book
Dr. Riza talking about his book

Please visit the following link for the Previous AJI Book Launch series: