
【Award Report】The Best Article Award Ceremony for the Journal of Asia-Japan Research Institute (Vol.5) was held in March 2024!

 The Asia-Japan Research Institute (AJI) of Ritsumeikan University held the Best Article Award Ceremony for Volume 5 of the AJI Journal in March 2024 on Zoom. The Director of AJI, Prof. Yasushi Kosugi, opened the ceremony by welcoming all the attendees and congratulating the award winners, saying that it was an honor they had earned by working hard and producing valued academic findings, and that the University was very proud of their accomplishments.

 The Journal of the Asia-Japan Research Institute was established to disseminate research findings on Asia-Japan Research both from Ritsumeikan University and other research institutions in the world in 2019 and strives to publish only the highest quality academic articles by employing a strict double-blind peer review. Since its introduction, the number of submitted papers has increased year by year and Prof. Kosugi expressed his deep appreciation to all the authors and all the reviewers for their contribution to the success of this multi-disciplinary academic journal.

 This year, the editorial board judged that two articles were equally qualified for the second prize; therefore, one Gold Award and two Silver Awards were conferred. The recipients and the titles of their articles are as follows.

・Gold Award: Yi SUN, Jietao LIAN, Lu JIANG, Xuji SUN, Shuangshuang ZHANG, Mami KANZAKI, Yuko YATO, “Initial Challenges and Protective Factors for the QOL of Mothers with Young Children during COVID-19: Japan and China”

・Silver Award: Kazutaka SOGŌ, “The Bottleneck in the Formation of ‘Imperial Japan’ under the International Cooperation Principle after WWI: Focusing on the Tanaka Giichi Cabinet’s Concept of Establishment of the Takumushō”

・Silver Award: Junhye LEE, “Why do Diasporas Re-Emigrate to their Historical ‘Homelands’?: A Case Study of Koryo Saram’s ‘Return’ from Post-Soviet Uzbekistan to South Korea”

Congratulations to all.

A plaque and certificate were awarded to each of the repicients.
A plaque and certificate were awarded to each of the repicients.

Please click here to read the recipient’s speeches.

Invitations for submitting your paper
The AJI Journal (Journal of the Asia-Japan Research Institute of Ritsumeikan University) is an interdisciplinary journal with a strict double-blind peer review system. Because of its interdisciplinary nature, it does not matter what field you specialize in if the subject is related to Asia or Japan. In addition to being strictly peer-reviewed, the journal is also published on J-STAGE, so it has the advantage of being easily referred to internally and externally.

In addition, the award is given to outstanding papers from among those published annually.

Please feel free to submit your paper to this journal.