
A new series, AJI Books, has been launched online! The first book is: Asia and Japan: Perspectives of History

The Institute has launched the AJI Books series as part of its efforts to disseminate its achievements globally. The books in this series will be published online first, and then a printed hardcopy edition will be released a few weeks later.
While publications will be mainly in English, there will be books in Japanese and other Asian languages, too.

The first book: Asia and Japan: Perspectives of History, A Symposium Record
Editors: Gyongsu Mun and Yasushi Kosugi

This book is a record of an international symposium held in Osaka-Ibaraki Campus of the University in February 2020.
In the symposium, Professor Alexis Dudden and Professor Norihisa Yamashita gave extremely insightful talks, which brought a heated discussion among the participants. Please enjoy the symposium through this record.
Its editors are Professor Yasushi Kosugi and Professor Gyongsu Mun, the director and vice-director of the Institute.

0122-03History book