【3/11 Tue】The 77th AJI Frontier Seminar will be held! Dr. Masato NAKAHATA “The Postwar History of the Self-Defense Forces and Disaster Relief: Focusing on the Changing Processes of Perception”
【3/17 Mon】Workshop on Sustainable Rice Farming in Thailand (Presenter: Dr. Orawan Srisompun)
【3/24 Mon】Open Workshop on “East Asian Cooperation in the Decoupling of World Economy: Focusing on Rising China and ‘Double Twin Circles’” will be held! (Ritsumeikan Asia-Japan Research Development Program)
【2/21 Fri】Workshop on East Asian Cooperation in the Decoupling of World Economy: Associate Professor Tang Li, “The Current Chinese Economy and Trends in Internationalization of the RMB”
【2/18 Tue】The 76thAJI Frontier Seminar will be held! Ms. NGUYEN Thi Thu Hien, “Farm Mechanization and Non-farm Employment in Rural Central Vietnam”
【2/19 Wed Fri】Workshop on sociability and disability will be held! Speaker: Dr. Kosuke ASADA (Asia-Japan Research Development Program: Leader Prof. Yuko YATO)
【2/12(水)】Asia-Japan Research Global Forum on Asian medicine and terminologies will be held! (Simultaneous interpretation: JP, EN, and CN)
【2/6 Thu】International roundtable workshop will be held! “The Roundtable Shaping the Future of Creative Careers in Asia” (Asia-Japan Research Development Program: “Shaping the Future of Creative Careers: Comparative Analysis of CCI Workforces in Asia
【2/4 Tue】The 6th International Colloquium on “Asian Paths of Civilization and Development” will be held!
【1/31 Fri】Public Lecture will be held! Dr. Jackie J. Kim-Wachutka, “‘Zainichi’ Within the Realm of Global Dialogue: Voices, Legacy, Future”
【1/25 Sat】AJI Global Symposium 2025 “Challenges for Pioneering Peacebuilding and Our Future Directions: Visions of the Ritsumeikan Model of Asia-Japan Research” will be held!
【1/14(Tue)】The 75th AJI Fronter Seminar will be held! Dr. Ryo TSUNODA “ ‘TOKKO’ and Postwar Japanese Society: Commemorative Activities of the Postwar Generation and their Dilemmas
【1/9 Thu】AJI Multilingualism Workshop: “Medical Interaction in the Chinese Cultural Sphere in Asia.” Presenters: Mr. Yutaro Nishijima and Mr. Minoru Tsushima (in Japanese)